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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/893023-Life-Remains-Interesting-to-the-End
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#893023 added September 27, 2016 at 9:06am
Restrictions: None
Life Remains Interesting to the End
Are your neighbors genuinely good people, or bad people? And please cite an example

*RollEyes* Owl with signature *Pthb*

Well, this will get me in trouble. Since, I know someone in the neighborhood reads my blog. Nevertheless, an honest opinion wouldn't hurt???

Firstly, my neighbors are people. Over the years like a lot of the people in a small rural area with a few small communities scattered around, they look to gossip and the opinions of people they know in order to find out information about each other.

Sometime in my 30's I was recommitting myself to Christ. I was reading lots of books about Christianity as well as pouring through every book in the bible. I decided not to be involved in any gossip about any one. I maintain this view.

I really did not have many neighbors at that time. The farm across the road was owned by my former father in law, who lived there with his youngest son. My first husband died in 1972 in an automobile accident.

I was remarried living on the farm I purchased from my dad. There was a house on the same side of the road as mine several hundred yards down from mine. One of my cousins was living there. There is a town 5 miles away where we all went to school.

Gossip and superstition runs the area. It is pretty much overwhelmed with brotherhoods, sisterhoods, church congregations, and tight knit groups of all kinds. If someone wants to know something about someone they ask a member of their group. They rarely just try to get to know what the person is really like. I've seen some real horror worked out in people's lives around here.

It was not on common within the church group I was part of the watch prayer groups set someone in a chair in the center of a ring of people. Using the person in the chair as a surrogate.During prayer they take turns praying for the non attending person to perform what ever (go to church, get a job, etc.) A pastor I knew and another member of the group who stopped attending called this witchcraft.

To shorten a long story. I broke with this group and found a home church closer to the farm. It was Christ based. There is a lot more to this history, then I want to take time for here. We attended Bible College for a year then returned to the farm. K and the boys, did not want to start back attending church anywhere so we don't go. The children grew up. I commuted to a nearby college. Life went on.

Land around us changed hands when older people died. We ended up with 3 new houses across the road. 4 new houses to the north of our property. Realtors broke up the farms around here into small acreages for higher prices and ran up the price of land.

Jobs are not plentiful around here. So, after college I did not work except for one summer when I had an internship.

As new people move into rural place like this is they have the idea that they are free to do whatever they want. What they wanted was wild loud parties until all hours of the evening. (Drugs and liquor are a problem in the neighborhood.) Dogs off leashes running all over chasing deer, killing cats, scaring livestock. For a while I raised sheep. We had a ram that was poisoned. A flock of my chickens was killed by a neighbor in the night. I called the police finally. Then, I was the bad guy for calling in the authorities.

My dog licenses were stolen off my dogs who were locked in a run that is attached to the house. One July 4th one of the barn cats was waiting for me at morning chores with his whole tail and the back end of his body burned off we had to put him away ( It was in such pain and crying to me for help), Someone stole my honey bees frames and all. After I went to college I was pretty much down to just 3 horses. (someone ran them through the fence more than once.)

I've all ways had trouble getting farriers. One really excellent farrier told me he would not do my horses because he had been told to injure the horses as he worked on them and he would not treat any horse the way he was told, by this unnamed person, who told him what to do to my horses if he knew what was good for his business.

Our lawn mower quit working, when I took it to be fixed the mechanic said I must have enemies because he found sugar in the oil pan and pistons.

One time someone pulled out one of my horses teeth while I was not home and then knifed his nostril so I would have to call a vet to have it sewed up.

My car has been run off the road several times. My horse was stabbed with a needle in his leg then the needle was broken off. Yep. Another visit from the vet. ( Another woman in our township had a horse dowsed with gasoline and set on fire. No one was ever arrested for this although, there is an open case for it / it may have been done because of a divorce.)

This is not necessarily a rant just a calm way of saying Why? I stay home. I don't stay up late. I get up early. I take walks on my own property with my dogs. One neighbor boy came here screaming that K shot his dog and literally tried to kick down our front door. (K did not shoot his dog.)

I've told this story to others. Recently, a clerk at the farm store asked me why I was still buying horse feed? Did I ever think of just getting rid of the horses. She is elderly and still keeps horses. Some church groups believe that horses are a sexual expression by the owners who ride and care for them.

We have compression bombs being set off in this neighbor hood on holidays. They shake the houses, and scare the animals. I've taken in dumped cats over the years but I won't do it on a regular basis now. I'm elderly, what will happen if I die before the creatures in my care do. I figured to just stay steady and they would age one at a time to their own end. Then, someone dumped a cat here this spring. I told the vet about it.

These instances of stupidity are not listed chronologically. And, they do not cover all the horror stories I could tell you about how I've been treated in my life time. Personally, I think most of the neighbors who have moved in are *Crazy*. Not one of them has ever talked directly to me or expressed themselves in anyway calmly and with any proper open speech. I can talk to anyone literally, openly about any thing. Nothing embarrasses me.

My one son who has stayed steady agrees with me. He and my daughter have also experienced bizarre behavior toward them and their families. We are on this earth by mistake. I've shed tears until they seem mostly dried up.

Still,l I remain fairly stable although I scream (literally) sometimes about life. I guarantee this is a true account. I tried to write a memoir about some of these events in chronological order to leave behind when I die. But, I get bogged down with the writing. I can make up fictional stories on the fly, any time but, writing about my own life gives me the screaming memes.

I end up laughing because I remain in fairly good health for my age and continue to keep house, clean barn, throw around hay bales, climb the hay mow for the top bales first, ride my bike, drive a car to shop and keep on writing. It is something to laugh about. Life on this planet is not free, peaceful or without violence yet we expect to be able to speak openly and live without carrying a gun. *FacePalm*

The debates last evening were interesting. But, unresolved. If you want to know more, I'll invite you over to ask your questions we'll have a cuppa and talk. *Smile* I can site references that will clear up the superstitions and facts that will stop the gossip.

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