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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/893106-Themed-Days--My-First-Car
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#893106 added September 28, 2016 at 1:02pm
Restrictions: None
Themed Days & My First Car
30 Day Blogging Challenge

War Chest Wednesday! We're gonna do something different today, being that it's the last Wednesday of the month. Of the seven themed days each week, which ones are your favorites and least favorites? If you could change one, what would you put in its place? Keep in mind it would have to be something you could potentially get four entries a month from, and people around the world would be writing for it.

Okay so the theme days are:
MOTIVATION MONDAYS!: We'll discuss quotes attributed to people from all walks of life, and you're encouraged to share quotes related to the day's topic. I really like this theme - it gives Monday a kick in the ass that I often need.

TALK TUESDAYS!: Prompts will encourage a more opinionated, personal response. Get to know your fellow competitors...make sure you're commenting! - this is good as well... and I find I am often curious what my blogging friends are thinking.

WAR CHEST WEDNESDAYS!: A prompt from the pool of challenger-submitted prompts known as The Challenge War Chest. - These are cool.... I am not sure how big the chest is - perhaps it could always use a pump up with new suggestions offered with the days blog during the official months.

THE WILDCARD ROUND! (Thursday): Anything can happen! Be prepared...and you might win a random prize! It could be Gift Points, raffle tickets, or even a Merit Badge! - I like this prompt concept as well... it opens up the creative factor.

FUN FACT FRIDAY!: I'll provide you with a random fact, and you give us your take on it. Feel free to share a random fact of your own as well! - this is a nice way to end the work week.

CREATION SATURDAY!: A creative writing prompt from the War Chest will be used. Challengers are encouraged to write a poem or story. - I like the openness of this prompt. I enjoyed the four questions interview without using who, what, when, where and why. I also enjoy ones that give a story starter.... or even several words that must be worked into a poem or story.

THE SUNDAY NEWS!: I'll take a headline from the past week, and you can share your thoughts and opinions on it. Encourage a discussion between your fellow bloggers. - I like being able to pick my own headline here. That allows me to keep things upbeat or to vent about something I feel passionate about. I am still interested in the topics my fellow bloggers choose... I don't want to be constrained within a certain topic. I am not as crazy about writing a blog about a particular article.... especially when the topics are on the more controversial side - I prefer to avoid politics and things that make me feel out of the loop. Being a world wide site I don't like writing about American politics in particular - my blog on September 18 was really short.

Overall, I would say that the 30 Blogging Challenge is fabulous. My favourite day is often Monday and its inspirational lean; my least favourite is Sunday, especially when the article is picked for me. The more open the prompt, the more creative I can be. I think you are doing a awesome job Fivesixer ! Keep up the great work!

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 934

Prompt: Do you remember your first car? What kind of car was it? Did you give it a name?

My first car was a Toyota Tercel. 1991, I think. She was red and she had a standard transmission. I called her Baby.... though my best friend - who prefers big buggers like her Dad's Grand Marquis - called her a 'premie'. I loved that car and the freedom she provided me. I bought her in my last semester of university. Being young and careful, I often still took the bus up to the school - particularly on days when there had been an ice storm. I let the weather warm up and melt off the ice instead of scraping.

Since then I have had two other Toyotas, both Corollas and both standard transmissions. My second one was beige (2001, I think) - to not show the dirt so much and my third and current one is metallic Grey - a 2010.

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