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Rated: ASR · Book · Mythology · #2099516
Job 1:6; Genesis 6:2-5
#894742 added October 17, 2016 at 9:02pm
Restrictions: None
Conjuring and casting spells.

Have you wondered why Harry Potter
recites a spell in Latin?
Druid incantations are Celtic and
spoken in Gaelic.
However, English culture is strongly
influenced by ancient Roman occupation.

So, Harry Potter is casting Druid spells
in Latin..
But, a witch speaks to the elders
of the dead, as well as, Demons and
Harry Potter believes that these spirits
only speak Latin.

The Jewish Talmud was written in Hebrew.
In it there is Kabbalah magic.
The Book of Judges introduces the Witch
of Endor ..
She tries to help King Solomon.
The Book of Enoch, speaks of Demons
and Angels and magic.
The Book of Adam, gives the name of God.

Babylon introduced the Jews to winged Angels
and Demons.
The Babylonian book of spells is spoken
in Mesopotamian Magic.
It has exorcisms for witch's spells and
Demon fevers.
The Arch Demon Abaddon, king of Locust
and pestilence is similar to Hebraic,
Christian belief in Lucifer.

More modern books on Demonology are~

Aleister Crowley: Aeon of Horus,
The Book of the Laws.

Anton Levey: The Satanic Bible,
The Satanic Rituals,
The Satanic Witch.
He co-directed, The Devil's Rain
and played a demon in Rose Mary's Baby.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead
is Hindu and written to prepare the
enlightened for a new consciousness
after death.
It is not a book of spells.

I believe that most spells and magic
are superstition, but it can cause
paranoia and madness in weak minds.
Science has theorized a paranormal
encounter with UFO aliens, could
appear like Angels or Demons.

I like the 50's sci-fi
Forbidden Planet,
"What man can control his dreams?"
Morbius states as he struggles
with his demon.

You decide.
Be careful what you wish for.


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