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Job 1:6; Genesis 6:2-5
#895582 added October 26, 2016 at 3:12am
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Maddie Ziegler an Illuminati puppet?
I'm not an expert on shock pop culture.
Nevertheless, I am a fan of SIA.
I also enjoy the SIA dancer Maddie Ziegler.
How many times have you seen the Devil used
in Rock music?
The Beatles had Aleister Crowley on their
Sargent Pepper's album.

Rock&Roll was counter culture in the
repressive 50's era.
Elvis was the rebel in those days.

"A Call for an Uprising" site on Youtube.
And they're targeting SIA and Maddie Ziegler
as Illuminati Satanist.
Maddie makes the 666 finger gesture over
her eye in the SIA music videos.

So, what?

What worries me are right wing Christian
terrorist, like the KKK or THE WATCH TOWER,
pushing back against free speech with
violent protest.
If you don't think that's happening
check out the violence against
Planned Parenthood clinics.

Can a girl dance in public?
Not according to the Youtube Evangelical
"Vigilant Christians" or the "End Times Signs."
They are fervently opposed to Maddie Ziegler
dancing in public in tights.
It was Abraham, who commanded women to be covered
from head to toe in public.

He would ban ballet.

Was Shirley Temple Satanic when she danced
with men?
She liked to wink a lot too...
Was that a secret Illuminati wink?

If you study demonic possession,
you can apply Satanic lust too most entertainment
and to all commercial products;
such as seductive female promoters.

Is Kimberly Guilfoyle Satanic?
She should put her panty hose on

I think the true test of destructive behavior
is a need to control other people and make
a gray dull world.
That is the gray world SIA is rebelling against.

Reflections~ Is it Satanic to bomb countries we have not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>declared war with?


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