Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/896851
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2101722
My Mom's writing
#896851 added November 7, 2016 at 9:26pm
Restrictions: None
Strange World
As I sit here by my window
And watch the world go by
It all looks like a great big show
Which makes a person sigh
We people all are actors
Who play a certain part
Witha million and one factors
To break each and every heart.
Now down the road, here comes a bride
She knows no sorrow today
All her sadness she must hie
And put on her mask so gay.
And yet upon the other road
Go people, who have cried
Upon their hearts is a heavy load
For one amidst has died
Yet here comes happy children
They're on their way to school
They've each and all a friend
To teach the Golden Rule
There's all of this and many more
That makes this world go round me
How can anyone say they're bored
When they live in God's country.

Circa 1941-1942
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