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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/902900-New-Mods--My-Goals
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2049546
My first blog
#902900 added January 22, 2017 at 8:09am
Restrictions: None
New Mods & My Goals
The Sunday News! Seven WDC authors were just promoted to Moderator status! ("Note: Congratulations to...") Visit one of their ports and review one of their items...and in your entry here, now would be a good time to tell us what your goals are for being with WDC (whether you're a newbie or someone who's been around the block awhile). Make sure you include your review, using the Invalid Review tag.

New Mods! Woohoo! I don't think I've seen a moderator promotion since I've been here. I could be wrong. This is the review I chose to write for Bruce. : Review of "Dear Daughter" I chose to review Bruce because he was the only new mod who I don't think I've met before. I'm really glad I chose him because this poem is beautiful. It really touched my heart, and I know I will be returning to his port now I've found him.

As for my WDC goals . . . I'm not sure really. When I first joined, I had no expectations at all. I just wanted to write, and joining writing.com seemed like a good way to help me. I was trepidatious when I shared my first poem. The idea of other people actually reading something by me made me anxious. But once I started to write more, and to get more reviews, I realised what a great opportunity there is to learn from other members.Constructive criticism is good. I genuinely think I've learned a lot since I've been here. And I continue to learn every day. At the same time, I've made some wonderful friends since I joined. People who know more about me than most of the people in my life. That's the great thing about writing.com: the members are supportive and non judgemental. We are genuinely happy for others when they win contests, or do well. So I guess one of my goals for my future here is to continue to interact with others, and to support others; whether that is by writing reviews, or sending them a cNote when they're feeling down. That's a massively important part of WDC for me.

I was promoted to a yellow case at the end of November last year. I honestly didn't think being promoted mattered to me. Until it happened. Suddenly, it was a massive deal. I was so happy. It was (and is) an honour to be recognised in this way. I love being yellow. A blue case, though? Do I expect it? No. There are plenty of people who are ahead of me in that queue. Would I like it? One day. But, for now, I have plenty of other things going on. I'm a future Rising Star, and that programme is a lot of work. Right now, I'm taking the Comma Sense class at New Horizons, and that is sooooo hard. I'm a Power Reviewers Captain, a leader in Newbies Academy, and a leader in Paper Doll Gang. I have my contest, "Verdant Poetry Contest which I would like to switch up a bit. I'm trying to figure out a new contest as well. There is the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party which will run in March. So I'm spinning lots of plates at the moment.

In answer to the question, I think my goals for WDC are:

*BulletV* Graduate from Rising Stars
*BulletV* Make a success of Mad Hatter in March
*BulletV* Graduate Comma Sense
*BulletV* Continue to interact with my friends
*BulletV* Continue to learn from people who know what they're talking about
*BulletV* Keep running the "Invalid Item
*BulletV* Take the exploratory writing course in New Horizons
*BulletV* Launch my own contest
*BulletV* Continue running Verdant Poetry Contest
*BulletV* Continue taking credit and raid shifts for Power Reviewers

There are lots of other things I could mention, but these are the biggies. I should also add the goal of taking time to stop and breathe every now and then.

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