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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#909086 added April 17, 2017 at 7:28am
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Non Declaration 17: The Secret Space Program
I recently got to hear a U-tube video of Col Corso's son, Phil. I don't go along with everything he says and tends to put his father on a higher pedastal then I think SR merits... then again sons are to be given latitude where their fathers are concerned.

What resonated with me was his dismissal of solid fuel rocketry as the leading edge of space travel technology. He emphatically reinforced a truth many have suspected for some time.

What was back engineered after Roswell were craft that use a drive based upon entirely different principles of design, guidance and propulsion.

In LTC Corso's book he talks at great length of preparations made in the 1960's to establish bases on the Moon and Mars. After laying out the plans for these undertakings in painstaking detail, he suddenly stops discussing the matter, saying words to the effect.... unfortunately none of this ever got funded or took place. That was over fifty years ago. We are expected to believe that just because NASA hasn't done it it never happened.

There is plenty in Corso's book The Day After Roswell, that doesn't resonate. Welcome to the murky world of UFOlogy. What started at the end of World War 2 with a government policy of "We Won't Talk about it..." Grew into a giant conspiracy of lies, half truths, and omissions. Sprinkled liberally on top was a whole lot of intimidation, character assassination, and missinformation. There is nothing on the topic that escapes the taint of world class deception. No wonder nobody believes what the government says... This is where the whole sordid coverup has taken us. UFO investigators are forced into making assumptions when the facts are being covered up. It is a perversion of the scientific method.

The Greeks who invented it, believed that the optimal solution was not a truth just because somebody in power says it is. They developed a rational process for discovering what truth actually was. The process was never designed to be carried out in an atmosphere of lies and deceit. That is where our science exists today. To obtain a government grant scientists will say or do anything to get the necessary funding.

I hope the rational is a legitimate fear of an alien menace. Anything less is a flagrant abuse of the special trust and confidence bestowed on our elected leaders. I should say once bestowed... as that trust and confidence is steadily being eroded as the assault on our Constitution continues unabated. The wisdom of our founding fathers is the only remaining firewall that protects the middle class and keeps our Republic from being dismantled. The elites would like nothing better than a return to feudalism, with a class of nobles and everyone else dumbed down and wretchedly poor. This is where all this secrecy is leading and It was never worth the price... Is it really predicated on a legitimate threat or has it become a smokescreen for effecting fundamental changes in the way we are governed? "Oh the tangled webs we weave..."

If the secrecy stems for a deep seated embarrassment over a coverup that got out of control and took on a life of its own, then it's time to admit wrongdoing and swallow the bitter pill. After three quarters of a century we seem no further along than a moon walk... way back when... and some robotic devices landed on Mars at benign locations, with a low probability of discovering anything of any significance.

Announcements by NASA of planets in some off world Goldilocks zone or water flowing on Mars is an insult to the people's trust. After listening to absolute bull for the last seventy-five years the average American deserves the truth and not the daily fare of crap, lies and misinformation.

We know NASA is a front for some kind of a Secret Space Program because at the first sign of an alien presence they pan the cameras away. It's worse than an altercation between players on Monday Night Football.

A NASA astronaut upon seeing our bases and space craft on the moon reportedly became incensed and threatened to "Punch Out" the Director for sending him to the Moon on a "Bicycle" while the Defense Department's Secret Space Program were operating "Ferraris."

When the "Face on Mars" imagery came to light, in proximity to pyramid like structures... the denials rose to unprecedented hights. The Jet Propulsion Labratories (JPL) went to absurd lengths to obscure the imagery and play down the importance of what could well be the archiological discover of the century. The outrage at JPL's manipulation of the imagery led Dr. Brandenburg to recommendation they be banned from further participation in the NASA charade.

When the Rover's were about to become inoperable because of dust building up on their solar panels the dust miraculously vanished, magically wiped clean by an invisible cloth and cosmic bottle of windex.... "Solar winds" was the explanation given by NASA. Unfortunately for that explanation, the the lady with eyeshades and airbrush gun failed to erase the shadow of a technician doing the cleanup. A NASA whistle blower reported seeing two figures in space suits walking towards one of the Rovers.

There is no logical explanation for covering up the archeological evidence. Here on earth we have figures drawn on the ground that can only be understood from above. In Egypt there are The Pyramids at Giza as well as the Spinx. Elsewhere there are huge blocks of stone in the walls of megalithic edifices that could not have been raised without antigravity devices... devices back engineered and currently used in Stealth Aircraft. Why all the coverup? NASA is acting like the Jesuits covering up the Dead Sea Scrolls. What's the big deal? Why is NASA afraid of revealing the presence of anomolies that suggest the existence off intelligence in the distant past?

This mollycoddling by our government is not going to end any time soon. To the bureaucrats, knowledge is power. They release a drib here and a dab there, and call that "Disclosure." To come clean will take a monumental event that cannot be swept under the rug... like a saucer landing on the White House Lawn, or an all out attack by hostile aliens. By then it will be too late. The pin-heads who hoard the technology under a veil of secrecy, will have frittered away all the response time and squandered a window of opportunity.

This is the greatest down side. Our best minds are kept out of the loop. Ineptitude has hampered our ability to to distribute the technology acquired from crashed space craft into the hands of those who can do the most to understand and apply it. The bureaucracy of security clearances is so ponderous that the process insures that only mediocre minds that fit the security pyridine get to see it. For years it has gathered dust, undeveloped by third string caretakers who are clueless. Their weak attempts at back engineering are usually characterized by an explosion or crash landing. After a while the residue of artifacts are gathered up and shipped off to some obscure warehouse to never again see the light of day. Research and Development is suffocating in a shroud of paranoia. Where are the LTC Corsos when we need them most?

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