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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#909959 added April 27, 2017 at 11:09am
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Focusing the Extraterrestrial Spotlight
In my study of UFOology I tend to divide up the pie into five events. These are: Roswell, Alien Exchanges, Mars, the Moon and most recently Antartica.

When I see claims that sound like they could contain a germ of truth, I put them into one of the categories above. If the claim looks particularly noteworthy, that is the writing or video is particularly compelling , I use this as a starting point for peeling back the onion.

To start with I treat everything as conjecture and if it is convincing enough I promote it to a hunch.

So the first step must meet the compelling or noteworthy criteria. After reading and seeing so many of these claims I have developed my own filters for what to examine closer and what to pass by. If it resonates the next step is to see if the hunch is collaborated by unrelated sources. If it is I promote it to a working hypothesis. This usually takes three or more independent sources of validation.

Once this test is passed I promote it to an assumption. If this assumption begins to pan out I begin to give the matter some serious consideration.

The first consideration is blow back. If the material, photo or video resonates I check to see how the government is treating it. If it is silence then I consider that a sign. If could be a sign that the material is so outlandish the gatekeepers don't even consider it worthy of note. On the other hand silence could mean a willingness to let it pass or the Government sees it as a truth they are willing to let emerge such as a sanctioned leak to promote a desirable level of growing Public Awareness.

Most commonly however, there is a reaction or official explanation. For Example after Roswell the explanation was a weather balloon. Many UFO sightings are dismissed as natural phenomenon, such as swamp gas, or atmospheric conditions. Others, like the face and pyramids on Mars elicit virulent denials. This pushback are good indicators as to wether or not the claims are true.

Start with the Roswell incident. Two saucers are alleged to have crashed in the desert of New Mexico. Alien bodies are recovered from the debris.

1. The event is initially reported in the media as "Crashed Saucers."

2. This is changed to Weather balloons.

3. When the questions lingered on for a few years it became parts of a super secret program to monitor Soviet Nuclear testing.

4. As the story persists and refuses to go away, stealth technology is given as an explanation.

5. Hand and glove is the time interval to which the story persists.

The Roswell coverup is a great example of how misinformation and false narrative are used to obscure the truth of what really happened.

Next consider the development, that came in the aftermath of the Roswell crashes, where one to eh aliens was said to have survived... that this Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) helped repair a communications device used to contact his superiors.

What followed was an Exchange Program of one sort or another complete with a bogus Defense Intelligence Agency cover story of what took place.

Concurrently there begin to leak out that a manned presence had been established on the Moon. Just as with Roswell, and the Exchange Program, there came a groundswell of claims that such a base was established as part of the United States Secret Space Program.

Almost concurrently other claims started leaking out that a similar base had been established on Mars.

The latest in a long series of credible revelations is that Antartica could be about to reveal definitive proof of extrateresterial visitations and past presence.

The next several of Non Declarations I'll be posting takes a look at these five areas in a nutshell. In each one I'll go through the process above and eventually promote my assumption to the level of fact.

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