Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910602-International-Respect-for-Chickens-
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#910602 added May 10, 2017 at 11:26pm
Restrictions: None
International Respect for Chickens !

A chicken is a living sentient being.
It can feel pain and pleasure.
Why is it our food?

The same argument can made for cows
and any other animal.
Would you eat the family dog or cat?

Vegetables are simpler living beings.
Nevertheless, this simple plant life
can feel pain.

How do we decide what to eat?
You can consume dairy products
and water with minerals...

But, such a simple diet would not provide
the necessary nutrition we require.
Why not eat the surplus human population?

Is it not cruel to allow people to starve,
when a portion of their population could be
food to keep the rest alive?

Does this sound absurd in an overpopulated world?
The deserts of the world are increasing.
More people are being displaced with little water.

Over saturated cities do not have the resources
to support an increasing welfare state.
There is not enough for so many.

I was in the Bull Moose used video and music store.
I spotted a voluptuous young woman with purple hair
and a massive butt.

I pondered how many families her butt could feed.
Then again she appeared to be a punk rocker
and I wondered if she was grade A meat.

Reflections~ How long will you be on the top of the food chain?

^ $

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