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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/910625-Day-6
Rated: E · Book · Health · #2105270
Follow my struggles and triumphs as I attempt to gain a healthy lifestyle.
#910625 added May 7, 2017 at 11:42am
Restrictions: None
Day 6
"Once you develop prediabetes, chances are, you'll develop type 2 diabetes within the next 10 years unless you lose between 5 percent and 7 percent of your body weight." PCOS for Dummies, by Gaynor Bussell,RD. Reading this last night gave me hope. I weigh over 300LBS and have every intention of achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle. However, that is a lot of weight for me to lose and it is easy for me to doubt myself. A Small goal consisting of 30LBS appears to be a lot more achievable to me. The best part is, when I lose 30LBS my risk for type 2 diabetes among other health risks will dramatically decrease. Wooo Whoo!
Day 6 was a roaring good time! My husband and I went to the zoo with my 6 week old niece, 2 year old nephew, my sister-in-law, and my mother. We did eat out all day, but I only ordered sandwiches without fries and tea. Before we went to the zoo my tea was unsweetened, but after the zoo I was intensely craving a sweet tea and that is what I got. I am very proud of myself while in the drive thru I saw an advertisement for an oreo mcflurry, of course, it sounded Delicious and I instantly wanted one. I had my husband order me a small mcflurry and after eating it I was satisfied! Knowing I chose to order a small ice cream and that I felt satisfied is really putting me in great spirits. It proves that I can have sweets in my life and not go crazy. I did snack a little in front of the TV, only because I put my whole grain cheese-its and pretzels in individual baggies but neglected to put them back in the cupboard, day 7 they will be put away, I promise!
Speaking of promises I remember being frustrated and promising to reread my chapter in dieting for dummies. Last night I did read chapter 5 again and this time I underlined the parts I thought were interesting or that would help me the most. One thing I learned is that snacks that are sweet or creamy paired with something crunchy or savory are more satisfying. I will have to think of some snacks that are both sweet and crunchy. As great as it is talking about food let's take a moment and talk about exercise!
I have always known that going to the zoo was great for getting in steps, but take a 2 year old and your exercise intensity has now drastically increased. My nephew is funny because he will only let one person push him in his stroller. Whoever pushes it first is in charge of pushing it the whole time, lucky me. Anytime someone else would be standing at the stroller trying to get him to sit back in it, he would say no and then point to me. Once I would come over to the stroller he would willingly sit in it and wait until our next stop. Silly kid!
This next encounter makes me giggle whenever I think about it. We took him on a train ride which he loved and it was fun, getting him off the train was not as much fun. First, he hung on to the pole on the right side of the seat. I finally peeled him off it, just so he could grab a hold of the pole on the side we had to exit. Who would have known 2 years could have such a grip! After what seemed like an eternity I finally got him out of the train car, but now he wouldn't put his feet down so I could safely put him on the sidewalk. Luckily my husband came to my rescue and picked him up so I could get out of the car. As great of a memory as this is, it is easily topped.
I was helping my nephew feed the ducks and with his last handful of food he got a little too close to my head, bumped my glasses off of my head, and sent them flying into pond water. If you have been to Iowa you know that there is no such thing as clear water. Any body of water you find will be dark dirty looking water and this was no exception. After I watched my glasses slowly sink to the bottom I asked an attendant how deep the water was and she said about 2 feet. She had one of those sticks that you could use to grab things and we tried but had no luck; so then she radioed a zoo keeper and he actually waded into this disgusting looking water and fetched my glasses. We tried to tip him, but he wouldn't accept it. I have never been so happy to see my glasses!

My plan for day 7
Today I am wanting to make flash cards and different visuals I can display around the house. After the Krispy Kreme incident I wonder if I could train myself to act a certain way in particular situations. For example, can I make it an automatic response to say I don't like Krispy Kreme their donuts are too sweet, or go to the grocery store and be satisfied leaving with only one candy bar at the check out instead of bags of junk food. As far as the visuals go, I am hoping that if I look at them before I grab something to eat that they will remind me to ask myself vital questions like "Am I seriously hungry or just bored?"

"If your mind is strong, all difficult things become easy; if your mind is weak, all easy things will become difficult."
-Chinese Proverb

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