Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/914171-Muuki
Rated: E · Book · Erotica · #2121483
Who can know the mind of God?
#914171 added June 27, 2017 at 9:45am
Restrictions: None

Freddy laughed, "You look like Leprechauns."
"We can't get this luminous green gunk off!" Agnes growled.
Agnes and Charlie had been to the Martian pow wow.
Chief Muuki had ruled that although Agnes had brought about
the death of thousands of Moon Ant people; she was invincibly
ignorant of what she had done.

"The Chief thinks your new skin color is a fitting punishment.
Everyone will know you are guilty of gross stupidity.."
Freddy paused and lowered the lights in their Martian
hotel room. Agnes and Charlie lit up the room with an erry green
glow. .. "Oh, that is creepy." Freddy said thoughtfully.

"This stuff made us bald and look at this." Charlie opened
his bed robe and tried to wiz.
A balloon of green gunk grew on the tip of his penis,
filling with wiz.
"It just hangs there and then it absorbs it." Charlie sighed
and stuck out his green tongue;
"I eat and drink and swallow, but I can't taste my food."

"We don't feel anything; not even sex." Agnes tried to shed
tears but the second skin absorbed them.
Freddy crossed his arms and legs while seated in a French chair.
"Hmm." Freddy pondered as he lit up his pipe.
"Are you starving?" he queried.
"No." Charlie sat down on a bean bag with his balloon hanging
over the edge.

"This is inhumane, we can petition the Humane Rights Board.
I think our lab boys at the Neil Degrasse Tyson Institute for better living through
chemicals can figure something." Freddy text the grievance to his company's legal division.
"I tried calling Dr. Orion Perry, but she won't return my calls." Agnes whimpered and
squatted as a large balloon filled between her thighs.
"What is that; more poo?" Freddy gasped as a small child appeared.
It was luminous green.

"That's my 10th child. It walks about and then sprouts wings and flies away.
I don't know how many more I can have. I don't feel anything." Agnes sat on
a couch and stared at the ceiling while drinking bottled water.
"Jesus." Freddy was old enough to remembered the eugenics wars.
The child opened the door and flew away.
"Like bugs.." Freddy put more tobacco in his pipe;
"This is a violation of the eugenics laws." he stated as he sipped Martian Scotch ..

"You have to be quarantined." Freddy looked about the little room;
"Have you left the room?"
"Were afraid how people will react.. We just order food from room service."
Charlie's voice trailed off as he ate a plant next to the door.
"That's poisonous." Freddy watched in bewilderment as Charlie ate a ficus.
"He has sex with me after eating..." Agnes slithered over to Charlie.
Freddy stood up quickly. "You stay here." Agnes commanded,
looking fiercely at Freddy with black insect eyes.

Freddy used his stun gun on Agnes and Charlie.
They froze like statues.
"I want a full emergency quarantine on my GPS." Freddy said as he sealed
the door with a laser pen.
He could hear scratching from inside.
"Jesus. I hope that isn't one those bug kids." Freddy muttered,
"How many more?"

Reflections~ It's true when it happens to you.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/914171-Muuki