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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#915364 added July 14, 2017 at 1:41pm
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Hoopla over the Russians
In Russia there is something I call the "Hacker Gene." It doesn't only exist in Russia but in India and Packistan. The gene is also found in the United States, Israel and elsewhere. It is a talent for computer espionage, commonly referred to as hacking. Many people with this natural talent are employed by their respective governments but many more are not. Those that are not often use their skills in the pursuit of criminal activities, which include information and identity theft. Just because an IP address, used by a hacker, can be traced to a country does not necessarily mean that the individual or groups are necessarily sanctioned or operated by intelligence agencies, even though this is frequently the case.

It used to be in the "Good Old Days" that a presumption of a government's intentions were based upon a perception of "Interests." The assumption was that a Nation State tended to act in their National Interests. This was actually a pretty good gage of what both friendly and hostile governments were up to. The idea is that a Nation State tends to do things that serve their National Interests and most definitely things that serve their vital or survival interests. Over time this has proven to be a pretty good measure but in more recent times has become subordinated to the Great and Mysterious Black box.

Other Nation states now suspect that the United States has a capability to do telephone, and computer monitoring in near real time and certainly the ability to go back in time and reconstruct telephone conversations and modem transmissions. Most foreign governments realize the United States is involved in such activities and while they don't know exactly how, accept it as a fact of life. They protect themselves by telling high ranking officials to assume all telephone and computer transmissions, regardless of encryption, are potential targets for monitoring and compromise. Based upon this general understanding, officials are circumspect on what they say over the telephone, internet and even over systems that were designed to deny eavesdropping from taking place.

These monitoring activities operated by the United States , Russia, China, Israel and others seem to be operating on the new assumption that if one can actually hear what hostile neighbors as saying to one another over the telephone and read emails, there is no longer any need to rely on outdated assumptions that nations operate in their best interests. With the advent of all these new electronic toys such outdated assessment techniques are more and more seen as the outdated tools the "Old Farts" once used and why rely upon any questionable assumption when you can listen in and get the "Facts" straight from the Horse's mouth. The problem with such thinking is that the "Horses" know they are being listened in on and don't discuss the real important stuff over a telephone or in an email. Foreign governments are not stupid. The stupidity lies with those who assume what they are hearing in surveillance and reading in emails is gosple when they query the data bases of these fandango new electronic toys.

It comes as no surprise to me that all our Intelligence Agencies lined up and unanimously concluded that Russia was meddling in our recent election. The Ruskies were no doubt involved but the degree of that involvement was obscured by circumspection and misinformation. Had there been a Litmus test in place which required a "National Interest Test" to be used in conjunction with the "Telephone/Computer monitoring Test" they would not have been so quick to raise their hands and wiggle their sage insider fingers at the Russians. The reason I say this is because it was not in Russia's National Interests to see Donald Trump Elected President.

Trump was seen, before the election, as an unknown quantity, a rabid capitalist, and someone with a known track record of success in capitalistic economic enterprises. Clinton, on the other hand was seen as weak, short on judgement and someone who would continue the Obama policies that had led to a dramatic slowdown of United States economic potential. The prospect of eight more years of a Democratic Administration made the Soviets salivate. Conversely they could still recall that it was the revving of the US economy, more than any other single factor, that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Empire. The absurd notion that they would support Trump over Clinton can only make sense if there is a generation of intelligence analysts who naively believe everything they hear over the telephone. President Trump told the American People that there were some very stupid people negotiating our interests over at the State Department. He could have extended that line of criticism to the DIA, CIA and FBI and all the other Intelligence Agencies that have let this country down by over reliance on all these fandango new surveillance means that are no better, but are indeed poorer than those that were historically used.

So if it wasn't the Russians who were behind Week-leaks then who was? If you really want to know ask the obviously questions. What Nation State on this planet had its National Survival Interests, threatened by the Obama Administration? Where were US political operatives sent to try and influence a major election? Who was the Nation State that got thrown under the bus in the Iran Deal? Who was the Nation State that was threatened by the use of US combat power if they made a military intervention to prempt a growing Iranian nuclear capability. Who was the Nation State having the surveillance and electronic monitoring capability to hack the DNC computer, and Hillary's closet server like it was child's play? If our intelligence Agencies are not asking these questions and rely only on listening in on telephones and computers, then one can easily see why they lined up like a bunch of monkeys and collectively pointed to the Soviets as being the ones responsible.

The Democrats claim the intrusion into US politics was unprecedented. WRONG! The precedent was established long ago and reaffirmed by President Obama sending operatives to Israel. In fairness, this was only the most recent precedent as numbers of other sources have shown. So if we can interfere in the elections in other countries when it serves our interests then why is "Turnabout" not fair play? Americans should be grateful that whoever did the hacking did it and got the word out while there was still time to influence on the election. It wasn't a foreign government who wrote those damning emails showing the contempt the Democrats have for the people they are supposed to represent. It was politicos with their hands on the levers of the Democratic party.

All this Russian Hoopla is a smokescreen to distract the American People from the crimes of prominent Democrats who operated with impunity during the Obama administration. They know that if the winds of truth ever blow away the fogs of obfuscation there will follow a string of inditements unprecedented in American History.

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