Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/915422-Rama-Vimana
Rated: E · Book · Erotica · #2121483
Who can know the mind of God?
#915422 added July 15, 2017 at 6:24pm
Restrictions: None
Rama Vimana
"That ship is astounding!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Space can be folded, like a paper crane." Remy replied.
Remy stepped out onto the neatly cut lawn and stretched.
Agnes admired Remy's ship, "So, this is the flying carpet?"
"Rama Vimana." Remy replied with a bow to her vessel,
"Some were found in the caves of Afghanistan
and in the Pyramids of Antarctica.
Before your recorded history the Rama Vimana flew
over this blue Nabuu."

"Nabuu?" Charlie queried.

"The mother planet of the Anunnaki is Nabuu the 10th planet.
The Martians descended from Nabuu in the 7th eon of the blue Nabuu.
This is the story of Genesis at Earth Base One, when the serpent
entered your ancestor's garden like lighting from Heaven we rode
the Rama Vimana." Remy bowed to Agnes and Charlie.

"And the Angles took the daughters of Adam." Agnes replied and bowed
to the Jinn Remy.

"Are we moving into that castle?" Charlie asked.
"I am more comfortable in my ship." Agnes smiled at Remy.
"As am I." Remy returned the smile.
"Well, I'm going to take a look. Maybe, they have pizza?"
Charlie ran to the castle.
The castle servants greeted him at the doorway.
"Sir. You'll catch a chill." the butler remarked at Charlie's
lack of clothing and put his jacket over Charlie's shoulders.

"Thanks. I just wanted to have some freedom." Charlie chuckled.


Reflections~ We cannot see with the flesh of our eyes alone.

The twenty second letter in the Hebrew alphabet is "tah" it is draw as a cross "+"
and signifies strength.

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