Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/916626-If-it-is-not-physical--is-it-real
Rated: E · Book · Erotica · #2121483
Who can know the mind of God?
#916626 added August 2, 2017 at 9:10pm
Restrictions: None
If it is not physical , is it real?

Agnes was drunk, but Charlie was still asking questions.
"So, we had a new identity and a nice house and you went
to Mars." Charlie rested his head on Agnes's lap.
Agnes belched, "I can't stay in one place..I'm restless."
Charlie pointed at Lady Ga Ga, "She's restless too."
Agnes snickered, "She likes to party."

Remy danced with the naked clowns ...
"Can consciousness exist outside the body?" Po asked Remy.
The Jinn turned to see Po with a tray of wine glass ..
Remy stood still, "Is this a philosophy course?"
Po had a steady gaze on the 7 foot Jeanie.
Remy concentrated her thoughts, "God is an electron."
"And thought is bio electrical." Po's eyes widened.

The dance had stopped.
The clowns had moved back from the Jinn and the elfish Po.
"If that is true, our dreams and nightmares are real." Po posited.
Lady Ga Ga strode up to Po, "Are you shutting down my party?"
"A difference of opinion .." Remy answered and snapped her fingers.
The music began again; "You know that I love you." the song continued.
"Time brings order to chaos and order leads to inertia and entropy." Remy stated.
Lady Ga Ga took Remy by the hands a danced with her.

Po bowed and left for the kitchen.

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