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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/916913-Undying-addition-to-Wheel-of-Torture-Task
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2088946
A folder for my writing August 2017 & July 2016
#916913 added August 6, 2017 at 2:47pm
Restrictions: None
Undying-addition to-Wheel of Torture Task
Sarah heard two women talking before she opened her eyes.

“Kids are so stupid these days!”

“Look! She’s coming to.”

She smelled a sterile atmosphere and felt the ivy on her arm. What had happened? The last she could remember she was sitting on the commode.

She forced her gaze to clear. She saw two forms in white. One of them was moving away. Then another form, a familiar one, entered the room. The other white form walked toward her.

“Sarah?” A nurse was bending over her. “Can you hear me?”

Beep, beep, beep! What the heck was that noise? Some parts of her body ached, especially her stomach and her belly. It was then she realized she wasn’t actually lying down flat but was propped up in a slanted position.

“Sweetheart? How are you?” It was her mother’s concerned voice. Sarah looked at her. Her mother was crying.

“Yeee…Yes!” Sarah muttered dazedly. ”What happened?”

“You got sick, Sweetie.” Her mother wiped off the tears from her cheeks. “It will be all right. We’ll make you all right.”

“We sure will,” said the nurse with a cheerful voice. “My name’s Megan. and I will be your nurse while you’re here.”

Sarah tried to smile but moving her lips was difficult. It was then she sensed the small tube at the corner of her mouth.

“Where are the girls, Mom? Mandy?”

“Mandy is in the police custody. Janet and June are, too. It is just as well,” her mother said.

What? There had to be some mistake. Did something else happen while she was out. “Why?” Sarah’s voice shriveled to a croak.

“I hope the charge will at least be attempted manslaughter!” Her mother was fuming. “They tried to do you in.”

“Now, now!” Megan interjected. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It might have been an accident. Don’t get all worked up, now, Sarah. Just rest. Okay?”

“I want to know,” Sarah whined. “My friends…”

“Your friends tricked you into ingesting that horrific concoction. That’s what happened!”

“Mom! They didn’t trick me. I convinced them I could stand it. I did the tricking, not them.”

“We’ll see about that!”

“Now, now! That ‘s enough.” Megan’s tone was authoritative as she checked the ivy on her hand and injected something into its bag. “She really needs her rest.”

Then she bent over Sarah and stroked her hair. “Try to relax, Dear!” Her voice was gentler.

Sarah felt her eyes closing involuntarily. Megan had to have injected something to calm her down into the ivy. As she began falling into a fog, she asked herself, ‘Why?’

Why was she here? Why had she done the things she had done? Why was she trying to impress her friends? Did good friends need to be impressed?

“She’s out!” How come she was sleeping but also hearing her nurse talk to her mother?

“Mrs. Wyeth, Dr. Jameson wants to see you outside. In his office. You know where that is. If he isn’t there yet, please sit there and wait.”

Sarah was fading into darkness. She heard an outburst of applause from an audience she didn’t recognize. She loved the applause. People were clapping at her impressive performance. She wanted to move but couldn’t. She had no awareness of the time and the place.
She felt herself move, no float, toward the three figures huddled together on a sofa.
“Well, what do you think of my work?” she asked.
They answered unanimously. “Magnificent, breathtaking, courageous, awesome!”
Sarah asked, “Really?”
Now they answered one by one.
“No, you’re the stupid one. A downright braggart!”
“You achieved the effect. The gross destruction and decay effect!”
“We are not your friends, anymore. You’ve shown nothing of your soul, your true being.”
“Look, this is who you are!” Sarah saw the mirror someone was holding for her. She stared at it, transfixed with horror. The image in it was vile, swirling in gruesome ugliness. Was this her?

“Sarah, wake up! You’re having a nightmare.” Megan’s voice was bright, but it conveyed caring and urgency.

“I am ugly. They weren’t my friends,” Sarah said in bewilderment as she opened her eyes and took in the now-familiar hospital room.

“No, they weren’t,” Megan said. “It wasn’t just the tabasco sauce that did this to you.”

What? What was it? Sarah recalled it, then. Clorox! She had mentioned to Mandy that she could even drink Clorox. But that was in jest. Wasn’t it?

741 words.
Tagging Dee of House Martel

© Copyright 2017 Joy (UN: joycag at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/916913-Undying-addition-to-Wheel-of-Torture-Task