Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/917845-House-of-Black-and-White-GoT-Challenge-Prompt-35-wc-1045
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2089049
Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones
#917845 added August 19, 2017 at 2:45pm
Restrictions: None
House of Black and White GoT Challenge Prompt 35, w.c. 1045
Jar of Hearts

LeAnn did not want to be at this party. All of the snotty yachties were here just to change partners. For what seemed like the tenth time, she was giving men with errant hands the brush off, “No, I’m not going wit’ you. Go find your wife.” Some laughed, some called her a “bitch”, but most begged her for a bit longer before going off to the next conquest.
“Where is that man?” LeAnn muttered as she made yet another circuit around the crowded first level.
From behind her, a gentleman responded to the question even though it was not addressed to him. “Who are you looking for? I can help you look?”
LeAnn stared at Ted. He was nice. She felt comfortable with him. “LeRoy.”
“I saw him heading for the stairs. Come on.”
He looked way too eager to get her to follow him up the stairs to the bedrooms. “Ted. Don’t do me like that. I came with LeRoy and he’s going to take me home. Right now. Where is he?”
“You don’t want to know. He’s playing. You should enjoy yourself, too.”
“’Scuse me.”
LeAnn knew LeRoy would not be in the upstairs bedrooms otherwise Ted would not have steered her in that direction. The first floor was covered, that left only the basement.
And there he was, making out with Ted’s wife.
“’Scuse me.”
LeRoy massaged the spot where LeAnn batted his head, “Hi, LeAnn. This is Candace.”
“Hi, Candace. Ted sends his regards.”
Candace did not even blush, she just smiled, “Did you have fun?”
LeAnn surveyed the room, before inhaling deeply and then exhaling to give extra force when she kicked LeRoy in the shin.
Even then he would not raise his voice or curse because there were ladies present.
LeAnn was firm. “I want to leave.”
“Okay. I should say good-bye to everyone.”
With irritation now evident, “Just give me the keys.”
LeRoy would not look her in the eye. “I’ll take you home. Here.” One hand pointing where he wanted her to go and the other on the small of her back, he guided her.

The following Monday….”LeRoy, Rachel, Line 2.”
“Thank you, tell her I will get back to her.”
Cindy disconnected and pulled Rachel off hold. With a practiced lie, “Hi, Rachel, LeRoy is in conference, can I have him call you back?”
“Does he know it’s important? It’s our anniversary.”
“I didn’t know you and he married.”
“We didn’t. We’ve been engaged for 25 years. Saturday is our anniversary. I want to discuss the plans.”
“I’ll let him know.”

Twenty minutes later … “LeRoy, CeCe is on Line 2. She has an emergency. She needs you to take her to South Dakota.”
“What? That’s nonsense. I’m not going to South Dakota!”
“You brought it on yourself, you know how jealous she gets when she finds out you were with LeAnn.”
“I didn’t tell her!”
“Well, I know I didn’t. How did she find out?”
“I’ll take the call.”

Two hours later …. “LeRoy, Megan is on Line 2.”
“Thank you.”

The next day …. “LeRoy, Rachel is on Line 3. Did you get back to her like you said you would?”
“Of course.”
“Line 3.”
“Thank you. And no more calls. I don’t care if it’s the President of the United States.”
“Okay. Line 3.”

Twenty minutes later …. “LeRoy, I know you said no calls, but if you don’t take CeCe’s call, she is going to drive over here.”
“Shit. Put her through.”

The calls were coming in fast and furious. His Collection knew each other better than they knew LeRoy. Cindy told each the standard line and each demanded her position in line.
At the end of the day, Cindy gathered up the phone messages from the Collection, knocking softly on his office door, she flinched when he exploded, “NO MORE CALLS.”
“LeRoy, your bank wants you to authorize a purchase from your wife.”
“I’m not married. Who’s trying to buy something?”
“They won’t tell me because I’m not an authorized signor on your account.”
“Which line?”
“Sorry, Line 2. And you have four calls from CeCe, one from Lyn, four from Rachel, and one from your sister. ”
“Why didn’t you tell me my sister called?”
Cindy skewered him with her cold eyes, “Line 2, fix the bank account and tell CeCe to knock it off.”

The next morning …. “LeRoy, CeCe is on the line.”
“I’m not taking calls.”
“Hey, Ce, LeRoy is busy right now. Can I have him call you back?”
“No. How many times has Rachel called?”
“About four times a day.”
“The next time she calls, tell her I am at the office.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? It will be funny.”
“Yanking her chain is fun for you, not for me.”
“She may have a ring, but he lives with me. Do you know that?”
“Yes. LeRoy has a lot of girlfriends.”
“Like who?”
“Like every time he goes out to South Dakota or North Dakota, he does not have to get a hotel room.”
“Tell him to call me.”
“You got it.” Cindy smirked.
Cindy liked to tease CeCe. Larry got twenty calls a day from his Colleton and CeCe called the most. It drove Cindy nuts, until she started baiting CeCe. All the women were all convinced he had a pile of money somewhere and they wanted it. Maybe he did. He seemed to have a wad of money and picked up the bill everywhere he went. He had a lady on his arm wherever he went. He did not mind going places alone because he would have company soon enough. It was just the way he was. He was charming, he was sweet, he was generous, he would do whatever his mother wanted – except marry Rachel. The only one he was prepared to marry was LeAnn, and she was the only one mother could not tolerate. That’s what set off his collection. Cindy is the only one who knew all the skeletons in the closet. She could tell the stand off would continue to the end of his days. It’s just the way he was wired. In the meantime, she would have fun pushing CeCe’s buttons.
.{word count: 1045

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