Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/918418-House-of-Black-and-White-Create-a-Prompt-Challenge--wc-753
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2089049
Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones
#918418 added August 25, 2017 at 7:39am
Restrictions: None
House of Black and White Create a Prompt Challenge w.c. 753
Staying Positive When Life Isn’t Fair.

We’ve all had those days when nothing goes right. How does one stay positive when life isn’t fair? It is too simple, really. You choose. That’s it. You choose.
The science behind it is quite simple. Your brain is a simple machine. You ask it to produce something and it will go to that file and bring it forward. All your happy, positive memories have their own little compartment and store of emotional responses. Fear and happy, remarkably, have the same body responses.
If you look back over the years, you will see that life falls into three phases and the level of positivity is determined by those phases and occurrences in those phases, unless you actively choose your state of being.
Believe me, the children had it right all along. They live life at full tilt and do not label it good or bad, they just live.
In childhood all choices are made for us, except the choice to be happy. Children work with what they got and in most cases make the best out of whatever situation they are in. There is very little middle ground. The truth of the matter is your parents did what they did and did not do what they did not do. You can take the hard times and tests and live happy, or you can punish your parents by being miserable. Your parents truly only want you to be happy. The only way to hurt them or make them question their impact on your life is to be unhappy. Not many children will choose to be unhappy to spite a parent, but the young adults will.
In the young adult years, when making our own choices, someone told us we had to label the results good or bad, fair or unfair, and we let circumstances dictate the state of our being.
Children are given limited choices to prepare them for the time they will be given the opportunity to make their own choice. Now that you are young adult, you can make your own choices and experience your own results. My children could count on me for one motto: From age 16 to 26 everything will be a life lesson, meaning they will impact you the rest of your life, so make good choices. They found out, just as I did, when you make stupid choices, life will occur as “unfair.” But when choices are sound, life occurs as “fair.”
By the time we hit middle age and we don’t have this figured out, we will continue to react to circumstances until we give ourselves permission to choose to be happy. All of our reactions and “choices” are based on what we said, did and believed in our young adult years. Unless you figured it out.
From age 26 to natural end of days, you should have learned how to stay positive when life isn’t fair. But if you haven’t here is the key -- It is all about choice. Happiness is a choice. Things happen the way they do because things happen the way they do. You can either choose to be happy no matter what, be positive no matter what, or you can choose to react to life circumstances and stay in the same rut.
This is not to say that bad days, hard times, or terrible things won’t happen. It’s just to say that sometimes the only thing you are left with is your ability to choose. Can you let go of the pains and hurts of the past? Or the present? Not let them rule you? Can you look at the future and create a future worth living into? It starts with a choice to be happy, to be positive. It starts with the choice to live life full out until you die. Life is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Being positive is a choice. Just “being” is a choice.
Life is full of body responses to our emotions. When you tell your brain to be happy, it will pull up those body responses from the moments when you were happy, when you were being uplifting and positive. Those same body responses and memories will soon take their place at the forefront of your memory bank and be what you draw on when choosing a state of being in which to approach your day. Choose happy, let your body experience those emotions. Close your eyes and try it. Then look in the mirror and see the smile.
Ready, set, choose.
[word count: 753 without title, 759 with title]

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