Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/919133-WK-5-3-Writing-Challenge-GoT-wk-end-831-word-count--61
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2089049
Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones
#919133 added August 30, 2017 at 6:59pm
Restrictions: None
WK 5 3. Writing Challenge GoT wk end 8/31, word count 61
Write a poem about the last great feast your favorite GoT characters will have together. Any form except free verse - specify at the end of the poem. ~ Poetry
[w.c. 61]

What will offset what Jon Snow knows?
A Feast of Crows

What forgives sin in the Stark line?
A cask of wine

Stannis claims the errant seed sewn
O’er Game of Thrones

Take down thy walls of rough-hewn stone
Queenmaker calls for the victor
striking down the naughty trickster
A Feast of Crows, A cask of wine, O’er Game of Thrones

Ovillejo Poems

The ovillejo is an old Spanish form popularized by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616). This 10-line poem is comprised of 3 rhyming couplets (or 2-line stanzas) and a quatrain (or 4-line stanza).
The first line of each couplet is 8 syllables long and presents a question to which the second line responds in 3 to 4 syllables–either as an answer or an echo.
The quatrain is also referred to as a redondilla (which is usually a quatrain written in trochaic tetrameter) with an abbarhyme pattern. The final line of the quatrain also combines lines 2, 4, and 6 together.
As such, here’s how the whole poem comes together (line-by-line):
Line 1: a rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 2: a rhyme in 3-4 syllables
Line 3: b rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 4: b rhyme in 3-4 syllables
Line 5: c rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 6: c rhyme in 3-4 syllables
Line 7: c rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 8: d rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 9: d rhyme in 8 syllables
Line 10: (Line 2) (Line 4) (Line 6)

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