Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/919280-Poem-Prompt--Nothing-is-quite-like-a-summer-night
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2131782
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#919280 added August 30, 2017 at 12:23pm
Restrictions: None
Poem Prompt: Nothing is quite like a summer night
Prompt: Nothing is quite like a summer night
Rhyming Poem form
Word Count 99

The magic of sunset coloring the sky
It inspires the evening to slowly start right
Barefoot in the sand we walk, you and I
Nothing is quite like summer night

A gull glides by for a last warm day's soar
Wings spread proudly as she sings her song
The setting sun hints that the day is no more
Excitement of night ahead as we stroll along

Arrive at the bonfire to join with our friends
The new darkness creates a fire so bright
The full moon now shines like a crystalline lens
Nothing is quite like a summer night

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