Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/919287-A-cat-a-dog-a-lizard---Free-Verse
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2088681
My work for my team, House Martell
#919287 added August 30, 2017 at 12:49pm
Restrictions: None
A cat, a dog, a lizard - Free Verse
Prompt 16. A cat, a dog, a lizard ...

A cat, a dog, a lizard met at the pond one day,
Deciding to let the chips fall where they may,
They gave each other a broad span to, sizing
Each other up. What to do? To their surprise,
Found out neither one was ever their enemy.

They laid out in the sun, romped about in play,
The lizard showed the other how to swim every day,
While the dog show how to catch a frisbee in the air,
The cat showed how to catch a bug, but played fair.

They had fun together, and met every day by the pond,
Neither of them had a home to go to, all were vagabonds,
The cat and dog slept in the barn on a farm, of course,
Next to a great mule, a fat pig, and a large brown horse.

13 lines
Free verse
129 words
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/919287-A-cat-a-dog-a-lizard---Free-Verse