Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/919369-Poem-Prompt--A-cat-a-dog-and-a-lizard
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2131782
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#919369 added August 30, 2017 at 9:13pm
Restrictions: None
Poem Prompt: A cat, a dog, and a lizard
Poem Prompt: A cat, a dog, and a lizard
Rhyming Poem
Word Count 123

Cats are bright-eyed and keen
Groom their fur to a shiny sheen
Curiosity filled, and affecionate purry
Curled up they can be so adorably furry

Dogs are eager to please and so very caring
They're energetic and also so daring
Funny, and friendly, and so very sweet
Wagging their tails at those who they meet

Lizards to some are so very pleasing
A pet that everyone sees as intriguing
With strange eyelids, limbs and skin so rough
A lizard is a reptile who is really quite tough

Which ever shall be the pet you will pick
It's certain that you will love it so quick
A cat, a dog, a lizard or all three
A pet is a wonderful thing you will see

Animated golden cat

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