Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920248-GOD-SPERM
Rated: E · Book · Erotica · #2121483
Who can know the mind of God?
#920248 added September 13, 2017 at 5:26pm
Restrictions: None

"I am not feeding my baby to that monster!" Agnes hollered at Kenny.
Kenny was the human resource rep for FUSION Inc.
"Mrs. Dubay, no one can force you to make this sacrifice.
However, the consequences of not honoring this contract is your
certain termination and the deaths of millions of coworkers on the Moon
and civilians on Earth. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"
Kenny had a squeaky voice and had a small mole in the center of his
forehead. Agnes picked up a red leather french chair a threw it at him.
He ducked, falling onto the floor.

"Kill that bitch!" Agnes shouted.

"Ehm. Sequa is one Queen Moon Ant of many.
Such action would certainly predicate a war.
We are making a humanitarian plea on your behalf,"
(cough)Kenny cleared his throat,
"to the Martian Tribal Court. Oh, God.." Kenny jumped
to the left as Agnes tossed a bottle of RED Devil whisky at
his head. The bottle shattered on the stone wall behind him.
Charlie stepped forward, "Maybe we could time travel?"
Agnes spun about with a crazed expression, "Yes! The Jinn has
a time machine! I could stop this from happening!"

Kenny waved his handkerchief in a gesture of truce,
"Time travel is illegal and punishable by death." Agnes grabbed Kenny's
tie and yanked him forward. "I don't care." she said with a toothy smile.
Charlie chuckled, "She's crazy."
Kenny swallowed hard as Agnes lifted him onto his toes with a tight grip
on his tie. "I was a fighter pilot at the battle of Georgia when they dropped
a nuke on us. I don't like to loose." Agnes growled as she tossed
Kenny onto the red leather couch. "I must inform my superiors." Kenny gasped,
loosening his tie.

"Do what thou wilts to the full extent of the law." the Jinn said as Kenny
turned into a pillar of salt. Agnes shuddered , "You will help me?"
The Jinn bowed to Agnes, "Blessed is the fruit of knowledge for it is
God's seed."

Reflection~ Shall the need of one, be greater than the many?

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920248-GOD-SPERM