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Rated: GC · Book · Fanfiction · #2135131
Buffy the Vampire Slayer becomes a vampire
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#920672 added October 18, 2017 at 3:46pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
Chapter 8

Xander was becoming undead. Anya stood watching him, as he lay beneath the covers, on the bed in her apartment. She hadn't seen him lying there since before he'd walked out on their wedding, leaving her standing at the altar in her wedding dress.

Three nights ago, she had taken his cold, lifeless, blood drained corpse away from Buffy's lawn, brought him to her apartment, and placed his body in her bed. Since then she'd been sleeping beside him.

When Buffy had told her that she'd vamped Xander, she'd felt a sense of satisfaction, that she'd finally had her revenge. Then when she saw him lying dead in the Summers' backyard, her feelings changed. She'd felt sad. He was gone. She'd never wanted him gone. She'd wanted him there, so she could torment him for all eternity.

Now her thirst for vengeance was gone. She no longer wanted to torment him. All she wanted was him.

Now it was midday. She had not gone into work. She had not opened the Magic Box today. She'd stayed in her apartment beside Xander's body, and shut the blinds. Now she stood beside him, as his body began to become undead. He was beginning to twitch.

She reached out, and gently put her fingers against his lips. She felt his new fangs behind them. Then with her fingers, she pushed his top lip back, to take a look at Xander's new fangs.

"Wow." She smiled, "They're huge. Ouch!"

She pulled her hand back.

"They're also very sharp."

She again touched his mouth, pushing his upper lip back, cautiously this time.

"Will you look at the size of those daggers!"

She thought, Imagine all those sexy young women, who are gonna be dying on them, squirming and squealing. When they see the size of those impalers, they'll be lining up for his bite.

Wait. Sexy young women? Lining up?

They'll be young and sexy, and so will he; while I grow old and wrinkled. How many of those sexy young chicks will he turn into vampires, who'll be his women on the side, while I grow old and wrinkled?

No problem there. She'd already decided. I won't become old and wrinkled, since I'll be a vampire too!

Xander and I'll be youthful and vibrant together, for the remainder of our existence, without any further aging.

Now Xander opened his eyes. He looked around, and realized that he was lying naked under the covers, in Anya's bed. Then he saw Anya standing beside him naked. He hadn't seen her that way, since before he'd walked out on their wedding, and left her standing at the altar, in her wedding dress.

She smiled, speaking with a sultry voice. "Hi there, bad boy. Welcome back to the Land of the Living, where there's always plenty of sexy young women, for you vampires to eat. I bet you're really hungry."

Then she reached over, and raised the covers.

"Anya." Xander asked, "What are you doing?"

She lay down on the bed beside him, and smiled.

"I'm serving you breakfast in bed sir."

Now she lowered the covers over Xander and herself. He took her in his arms.

"Why Xander," she said, "what big teeth you...HAVE!!!


Continued in Sequel:
 But is it Really Art?  (13+)
Dawn objects to a certain magazine that Spike has brought into the Summers' House.
#2135293 by Yesmrbill
© Copyright 2017 Yesmrbill (UN: yesmrbill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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