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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920721-Peg-Leg-Patsy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#920721 added September 21, 2017 at 9:21pm
Restrictions: None
Peg Leg Patsy?
The Wildcard Round! This week's winner, chosen by the all-knowing Virtual Dice, will receive 5 tickets to the Pirate Ship in the "WDC Anniversary Festival-Open now!" !

The other day (Sept. 19th) was International Talk Like A Pirate Day (furthering the notion that there really is a day for everything). Imagine the features of a stereotypical pirate- the eye patch, the pegleg, the hook, the accent (if that's what it is), maybe a beard if you're a woman, etc- and now imagine this: you're given the choice of living with any one of these pirate impediments (your choice), or walking the plank. What do you pick, and why?
         Ack! You couldn't have chosen Chocolate Chip Cookie Day? Not that I've ever identified with a cookie, or even remotely presume to understand them, but I know I like to eat them. What do I know about pirates? Well, yes, I have viewed 'The Pirates of the Caribbean' movies. Oh wait.... I have also seen different versions of 'Peter Pan', and that dastardly villain, Captain Hook. That nefarious fellow sported a beard, a hook, and an accent. I would not wish to wear his ridiculous big hat with that annoying feather in it. Actually, I do not like hats, so I'm kinda glad that's not an option today.
         I suppose speaking "piratese" may present its own special problems. I'm not really in the habit of spouting epitaphs/curses, so I cannot fathom when exactly I'd need to use "argh", "shiver me timbers", "blow me down", or some such words. Saying "matey" might cause some to assume I'm Australian, not a pirate. Would I ever need to shout, "ahoy"? Hmmm, I'm now stumped, and at a loss for more pirate words. If I chose to live with this particular impediment, I'd have to be a pirate of few words.
         I'm not a fan of facial hair, especially if I'd be the one it sprouted upon. Must a pirate wear a beard? What if it was itchy? What if I liked to sip soup? I believe a beard would be a serious safety concern. How could I possibly swash and buckle with all that hair that could potentially trip me up, or get caught in a scabbard?
         Does the eye patch really camouflage a perfectly good eye? Is it just for affect? Would I be blind?
         Oh heaven forbid I brandish a hook for a hand. I might take out someone's eye with that thing! How could I conceivably groom my beard, or change my eye patch? How does a pirate with a claw/hook pull up his or her britches, or prevent snagging their tights? This wouldn't be my writing sword hand, would it?
         If all I had to do was walk a plank, I believe I could manage that. Granted, I'd probably be a little tipsy. My balance isn't the most reliable at the best of times. Ah, would I then plunge/jump/fall into an ocean? It must be rather exhausting to dog paddle with a hook, and/or a peg leg? A water-logged beard may not float optimally.
         Okay, okay, sigh... I'm resigned to the peg leg thingy. Regrettably, limping is something I know only too well. I imagine a peg leg is somewhat like crutches, or a cane, or a cast boot, all implements of torture I have been forced to try. Regaling the other pirates with my tales of derring do and exaggerations of epic saber battles sounds far better than my lame explanations. I fell down the stairs is not exciting. I tripped over my own two feet is worse. I might like having bragging rights to explain my peg leg.
         Maybe a fake wooden limb would provide me with an advantage for sea travel? In rough seas, I could guarantee keeping my sea legs under me by nailing the peg to the deck. Huh, no chance of ever being washed overboard....

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