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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#925671 added December 23, 2017 at 8:58am
Restrictions: None
Get Real
In yesterday's blog I talked about unintended consequences. I didn't explain that very well and will do so in a broader context of the UFO question.

These Extraterritorials have been operating in and around or Solar System for an extremely long time.
That they established a presence on the Planet Earth, in the distant past, is a certainty the United States Government chooses to deny. They deny this because our Government is reaping benefits from our clandestine relationship with the ETs that have pushed us far beyond the wildest imaginings of our competitors. Maintaining this monopoly that has been so beneficial that it has become a cornerstone to our national interests and foreign policy.

In covering up this secret there has been many downsides. These include:

1. Establishing a Deep State suppletmental extension to our government to manage our interactions with the Extraterrestrials and coordinate the Civil/Military Industrial complex with a goal towards developing a capability to rival our ET neighbors. Considerable progress has been made under the cloak of National Security and Strategic Defense initiatives. One of our foremost aerospace developers has been quoted as saying that we are fifty years beyond what anyone can imagine. The downside is that if a lie is repeated often enough many ultimately accept it as truth. On the other hand the more a government lies to its people the more skeptical, jaded and cynical they become until they begin to question everything the government says.

2. So much progress has been made that many of the UFO sightings reported today are not ET craft but technology breakthroughs that have propelled us far ahead of other countries. The idea that North Korea, with their remedial nuclear and ballistic missiles, constitute a threat is laughable. Humankind can rest easy that no North Korean ICBM, that leaves the earth's atmosphere is ever going to reenter. President Clinton must have seen how effectively the secrecy surrounding the Secret Space Program (SSP) had become. It answers only to itself. It has no effective oversight. It has become a self perpetuating cancer in the body of our Republic. Early on it must have occurred to him... if the the SSP can hold itself above the law and hide behind a never ending litany of lies then why can't a Political Administration do the same thing? So pervasive did this attitude become during the Obama Regime that the commonly held view was.., what good is having political power if it can't be exercised for political purposes? What Presidents Clinton and Obama saw was how effectively the wool could be pulled over the eyes of the American People and must have concluded that if the SSP could get away with it why couldn't they? One has to only look at all the dirty and sordid secrets now unfolding to see how the malaise has spread across all levels of our Government.

3. The cost of all the Hush Hush secrecy is that the Government keeps getting caught and has to go into the denial mode. Nobody believes anything our Government tells us any more. A great example is the "Face on Mars." We have been on Mars for some time and were aware of anomalies and archeological evidence of a past civilization. When early imagery leaked out showing the "Face" NASA went into overdrive to cover it up. The reason was that our presence on Mars was already mining the sites for technological artifacts. The gyrations that NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory went through to walk back the revelation are classic. Imagine seeing faces like those on MT Rushmore and being told in no uncertain terms, by our shadow government, to stifle them. What should have been the discovery of the century and a source of AWE for everyone was stolen and hidden under a blanket of filtered imagery and denial. Only in the last couple of years have leading scientists provided irrefutable evidence that the face is real as are the surrounding pyramids and other architectural evidence... While these have faced the ravages of time the ruins are irrefutable. The game goes on and on. Have you ever wondered why the Mars Rover images are clear until something interesting appears and suddenly gets blurred by software, airbrushed over or explained away in terms that are disingenuous and insulting? Another great example is the solar panels on the various Mars Rovers. Over time it becomes obvious that the panels are being covered by dust and that the service life of the rovers are being severely degraded.... when suddenly the panels are wiped clean in the very "Solar Winds" that clogged them up to begin with. A recent photo of a rover shows the shadow of an astronaut performing some periodic maintenance. Solar Wind....Get real.

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