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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#925780 added December 26, 2017 at 10:36pm
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MJ 12 and the Tangled Web
There have been rumors for some time that MJ 12 or whatever it morphed into has an element that favors public disclosure, in one form or the other. Some favor enough disclosure to frame a cover story that will reveal some of what has happened over the past seventy-five years and put the whole unfortunate affair into the best possible light. Others are beginning to see where all the secrecy is leading, which has become a cancer that affects our system of government and is creating opportunities for corruption and tools to undermine or overthrow the political process of our Republic.

It is hard to say how corrupted our intelligence agencies have become. A few rotten apples seeded at the top through the "Appointee Process" infect others and soon the maliase begins filtering down. It has happened in the Internal Revenue service (Lois Lerner) the White House and is now being evidenced in the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

So if it can happen here why can't it have spread to everything the Obama Administration touched? It is easy to give the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency a pass and believe they provided good intelligence to the White House only to have it leaked by Political Operatives... It is well documented that this took place during the transition while Susan Rice was the National Security Advisor. General Flynn was unmasked doing something that could have been shady and the political cronies with their hands on the levers of power went ballistic. Look what is going to happen when "Honest Brokers" (such as ourselves) hand off power to those scheming capitalists of the Trump administration? Such is the vein their thinking probably took, to justifying a belief that abuse of power is OK if used to accomplish the "Greater Good," as they define it.

So where did this "Greater Good" justification stem from? It is simply a dusting off of the "Real Politic" idea that there is no such thing as morality when a Nation State exercises its National Interests...that a Nation State is not bound by any moral code that applies to individuals who make up a society... Reduced to its lowest common denominator it is the old adage... "The Ends justify the means.... the victors write the history. To the Democrats, overtaken by a Liberal, neo-socialistic philosophy this belief has become a pivotal component of their political strategy.

As we prepare for the new year, and politicians are thought to be home enjoying the holidays with their families and perhaps meeting with their local constituents... something quite different is taking place. Members on both sides of the isle are huddling with the brain trusts and money interests behind their Party. Something truly momentous is shaping up that will be playing out in the next year. What will soon be revealed is that the Obama Administration has committed political crimes unprecedented in the history of our nation. The tools and resources of the United States have been shamelessly applied by Democrats to undermine and destroy their political rivals, the Republicans.

As 2017 draws to a close a rare glimpse of what has been happening for the last eight years is seen through the crack of closed doors.

1. The Investigation of President Trump for colluding with the Russians is a false trail. Colluding with the Russians has indeed taken place and been happening long before President Trump and his entourage arrived on the political scene. An effort is underway to blame the Trump administration for the sins of the past. What isn't even being addressed is the question..."Why would the Russians, after eight years of US decline, prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton?" In the past eight years the Soviets have reemerged under Putin and made strong progress in restoring the integrity of their shattered empire dismembered by the policies of the Regan Administration. Why would anyone think the Russians would prefer a capitalist, who might just revitalize our flagging economy, over a socialist leaning candidate who promised eight more years of stagnation?

2. The Uranium 1 deal is a potential bombshell. If the nine principles who signed off are scrutinized, the US is likely to discover that here is where the real "collusion" with the Russians took place.

3. Already the onion is being pealed back showing that the top leadership at the FBI were tainted by a carefully orchestrated coverup in the Hillary Clinton E-mail scandal. The Director, James Comey, was fired, after he LEAKED! a fabricated Memo-For-Record for the sole purpose of prompting the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. The Lead Investigator with fingerprints all over the E-mail whitewash, and the most watered down, questioning in Bureau history is being revealed as a political operative who was not satisfied with marginalizing the server investigation but went on to galvanize fake evidence used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on members of the incoming administration. It is a sordid tale of conspirators hatching partisan plans in the office of the Deputy Director of the FBI. John McCabe has announced his retirement.

4. So far the Directors of the other Intelligence agencies must be worried. Peter Strzok, the FBI's number two counter intelligence operative, has been using tools, designed to protect our Republic in ways that are partisan, and shamefully designed to undermine it. If this does't send a shiver through the spooks, nothing will. If it can happen at the FBI, a pillar off our Intelligence gathering community, then why can't it happen at the DIA and CIA? At best Strzok is a aberration and at worst an example of a more pervasive problem The Intelligence community is hiding something huge and it could well that their dark little secret is in serious jeopardy. Where did the Uranium go? This is the 150 million dollar question? We now know that a bribe went into the coffers of the Clinton Foundation, but what about the the "Yellow Cake?" Already the spooks are dusting off their B and C plans. We are seeing evidence they are paving the way with the recent clips on Fox news of UFO's caught on the gun cameras of modern fighter aircraft. Plan B will attempt to reveal as little as possible. Plan C will provide a bit more disclosure but stop short of revealing the full extent of the Secret Space Program. Under no circumstances will the cat get out that we work daily with Aliens at the Dolce Facility, and have already established bases on the Moon and Mars. We might catch a glimpse of what is being discovered in Antartica. That will be the story of a lifetime, but as many are saying....This is only the tip of the iceburg.

Oh how tangled the web of deception has become.

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