Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/932924-Chapter-3-let-the-games-begin
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2155632
a school decided to do something fun--but it soon turns deadly. WHO WILL SURVIVE?
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#932924 added April 16, 2018 at 10:11pm
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Chapter 3: let the games begin
Chapter 3: let the games begin
After the whole Ubel and the disappearing body thing, everyone just kind of waited. We didn’t know how to leave or what to do, so we just sat. After a couple of minutes of talking, a big screen popped up on the giant tree in the front yard.The words on the screen said: “CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THAT HAVE SURVIVED THE PRACTICE ROUND! LET THE REAL GAMES BEGIN! THAT IS ALL.
Then it disappeared. None of us knew what that meant at all. The ‘real games’? What does that even mean? Everyone was super confused and tense after that. We all jumped at the slightest sound after that message. If Ubel wasn’t real enough or scary enough, what was yet to come? Somebody had died in the practice round. How many more would die in the real games, whatever that means.
Nothing happened for what felt like hours except for the sunset. All of us were too afraid to go into the house so we just sat outside in the darkness until we all fell asleep huddled up in groups.
The next morning, all of us woke up pretty quickly. It wasn’t even really morning when we woke up, it was still kind of dark. When I say “we” I mean me, Kae, and Rae. Rip and Rye hung out with some of the other guys so I didn’t really see them most of the time. We started talking about where we were and what we knew. We knew the place we were in was bad, but we were still just super confused. None of us knew what was happening. We didn't even want to move. After what felt like a lifetime of just sitting, Kaylie nudged me on the arm.

Lydia Rose
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