Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/935202-Bubblegrumjones-In-and-Out
Rated: E · Book · Writing.Com · #2133342
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#935202 added May 24, 2018 at 3:39pm
Restrictions: None
Bubblegrumjones In and Out
Once upon a time there was a growing hunger. Like most hungers, it was ill defined, known more for what it wasn’t than what it was. Everyday, the hunger grew until it coalesced into an idea. The idea was called “freedom.” Wise men gathered and pledged their lives and fortunes to making the idea reality. One day, after much discussion and argument, they declared a new, independent nation founded on the idea: the United States of America. Because of their devotion and vision, the country grew and prospered. The people became strong and enjoyed the fruits of their labors. Until finally, the idea faded, complacency set in, and the hunger returned. The people sought to satisfy the hunger with a slogan: “Make America Great Again.” No one asked, “Why did it have to be again?”
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