Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937647
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2162989
This is a dumpster for some really bad but funny (cringy) stories.
#937647 added July 9, 2018 at 11:04pm
Restrictions: None
Idiotic Compilation: Story II: Flat-Earthers Being Stupid.
A flat-earther went to NASA and started a raid.
His name was Jim.
And he was a mentally insane, uneducated, and extremely stupid man.
He was so stupid, he believed that the earth was flat.
Whenever he would say that the Earth was flat, everyone would tell him to G O B A C K T O S C H O O L.
So, he got sick of going to random locations.
He went to NASA. (I told you that.)
He put up posters all over the walls but got caught.
Then, the secretary came and she threw a D E S P A C I T O at him.
Jim stood up and ran to a space-researching facility.
But, the news had already come, and the minute Jim walked in, the workers pushed him out of the office.
Jim lived as a neglected Flat-Earther for the rest of his life.
the end

sory 4 trigering flat erthers
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937647