Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937688
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2162989
This is a dumpster for some really bad but funny (cringy) stories.
#937688 added July 9, 2018 at 11:20pm
Restrictions: None
Idiotic Compilation: Story III: Bill's Childhood XD
This story is a really stupid story.
And, it's cringy, so you should stay away pl0x.

Bill has a story to tell you.

Back in the olden days of when kids played 4-Square on the streets, I would go outside, to the kids' hangout at my neighborhood and play. XD.
My friends and I would play some ball games, jump-rope, and have some nonsense fun, and when we were tired and sweaty, we would go to the local drugstore and buy a soda pop. XD.
Then, my parents would ring this big bell near the gate leading to the backyard, and say that it was time for dinner XD.
But after I ate my supper, I would go to the hangout again and my friends and I would dab do the Hype watch Vines I can show to my Grandmother p l a y f o r t n i t e pretend that we were in the woods XD.
Soon, I would have to go to bed, so I dab do the Hype watch Vines I can show to my Grandmother p l a y f o r t n i t e wave to my friends, and run to my house to change into my DONKEY PAJAMAS and go in my bed XD.
Whenever it was time for school, my friends and I would dab do the Hype watch Vines I can show to my Grandmother p l a y f o r t n i t e play tag at recess until my friend tripped on a twig and had mulch in his mouth XD.
Once, my friend got a dog, but he jumped in the pool and made our food wet, so we had to go to the drugstore to buy some 5 Gum Doritos Mt. Dewchips so that we could have food and make ourselves and fat as N I C K C R O M P T O N. XD.
Well, that was a really fun childhood.
Unfortunately, my kids can't play on the streets or else an evil dude will jump out of the bushes and do D E S P A C I T O S on my kids. XD.

Thank you Bill. You had an interesting childhood.

oh yeh
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937688