Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/942242-Friday-October-the-nineteenth---Setting-Settings-List
Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2169075
This isn't just a novel. It's a novel for the October Prep Challenge too.
#942242 added October 19, 2018 at 1:20am
Restrictions: None
Friday, October the nineteenth - Setting: Settings List

Oct. 19: - Setting: Settings List ▼

(1) Create a list of settings in a format easy to edit and expand.
1 The main setting for this novel is Wandita’s spaceship
2 Also, the eight planets that Wandita will be going to
3 Don’t forget the planet of Unnion
4 Last but not least it’s where GorVon is at

(2) Add brief descriptions, drawings, images or Google Maps coordinates (find the location on Google Maps/Earth and record the URL) for each.
1 The main setting for this novel is Wandita’s spaceship – There are several other places on her spaceship that will be revealed in this novel, but the two main ones are her control room and her sleeping chamber.
2 Also, the eight planets that Wandita will be going to – Each of the eight planets are different. At least what little we see of them will be.
3 Don’t forget the planet of Unnion – Only Problem Solvers will be seen in this novel. More of Unnion might be revealed in future novels.
4 Last but not least it’s where GorVon is at – Very little is known about where GorVon is at. We don’t even know if it’s a spaceship.

NOTE: You can revise this list at any time, so this revision is not expected to be fully accurate or complete.
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