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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2169075
This isn't just a novel. It's a novel for the October Prep Challenge too.
#942792 added October 31, 2018 at 11:51pm
Restrictions: None
Outline Three - Wandita


                            An Outline

                            Written By

                        Donald A. Johnson


Suddenly Wandita stops her walk through a Wooded Area on her way to the small village of Badims. Using her two hand weapons in her hands Wandita slowly scans the trees around her. Wandita is sure that she heard something. She just doesn’t know what it is. She’s about to be shocked by what she has just seen.

GorVon falls off the chair he used to be in. He very quickly gets up and slowly looks around a control room they are all in. they all seemed to have seen him do it. GorVon wants to know what just happen. He warns them of what will happen to them if it’s because of what he thinks to it is.

Wandita dives behind a small fallen tree just that is barely high enough to protect her. She gets there just as some laser tubes pass where she used to be. True, Wandita doesn’t who how many Protectors are there who want to kill her, but it doesn’t matter to Wandita. She’s going to kill all of them.

Enaina is walking down a long corridor on her way to Control Central for Problem Solvers when she’s contacted by them. After telling them she’s already on her way there, she asks them what’s going on now. They don’t want to tell her that until she gets there. Whatever it is, it must be big.

Using five large trees, Wandita continues her fight against at least fifty Protectors all trying to kill her. At least there used to be about fifty of them. Now there are only about twenty. Wandita is going to kill the rest of them too. She just doesn’t know how long it’s going to take.

                           Chapter One
                       “Where is Everyone”

Wandita stops in front of one of the entrances to the small village of Badim. She slowly scans what can see of that village. What she is looking at makes her wonder where all the Badims are at. There should be about a hundred thousand Badims living there. It doesn’t look like there are any of them there right now.

Enaina is about to find out that something has suddenly stopped just before whatever it is got to their Group of Planets. She admits that is very strange. In fact, it’s something that has never happened before. Is it a problem that needs to be solved? That’s what Enaina wants to know.

Putting her weapons on her sides they disappear into the clothing she’s wearing. Wandita starts walking through Badim. She slowly looks all over from top to bottom of each building as she walks past it. She’s looking for Badims. Wandita is sure that they are there. She just hasn’t seen any of them yet.

GorVon looks madder than usual as he paces around that room. He is very happy that they haven’t been seen yet, but he still wants to know how being seen almost happened. The others there are watching his every word. At least they are until he tells them to find out what is happening to him.

Wandita looks up the side of a tall building and sees two more Badims. As soon as she sees them they disappear within that building. After she finishes scanning that building, Wandita goes to the next one and starts another scan. Why are the Badims doing this? That’s what Wandita is going to find

                           Chapter Two
                   “Questions Without Answers”

The Badims are starting to come out of hiding. Most of them are still disappearing whenever they are seen by Wandita. A few have come out of those building. They are still avoiding her, but now they are coming out into the open. Wandita knows why they are doing it, though. At least she thinks that she does.

Enaina is walking around Control Central. Asking each one of the other Unnionians there if they have found out anything about their possible problem. None of them have so far. After asking her latest questions to one of them she moves on to the next one to start asking them the same questions.

Wandita has started asking the Badims who are willing to talk to her. The first question that she has for them is why they are hiding from her. They don’t want to answer that one. In fact, they haven’t been willing to answer any of them so far. Why not? After all, she is just only there to help them.

GorVon wants to know what they have found out about what is going on with their closeness so far. They still don’t know why they stopped so close to that Group of Planets. He wants to know who is responsible for this. GorVon thinks he knows who it is, but he hopes he’s wrong about what he’s thinking.

The Badims know why Wandita is there, and they don’t want her help. Especially, the ones who don’t want anything to do with Wandita. Wandita can understand why they are afraid of her, but she doesn’t really need their help to solve her problem. It will just be a lot easier for her to do with their help.

                          Chapter Three
                        “Helping Wandita”

Wandita and a small group of Badims are in an empty building talking about what they are going to do next. She knows why they are afraid to help her. If they do, then there is a very good chance that they will be punished for it with their lives. That’s why Wandita is there: to stop that from happening.

GorVon rushes over to one of his helpers when they announce they know who is responsible for what is going on with them right now. He has been right all along about who it is. It’s another Troublemaker. GorVon wants to know who the Troublemaker is so that he can take care of his latest problem.

The Badims who are willing to help Wandita have taken her to where they think the hidden complex is at. They don’t know if that is where it’s at, but that is where most of the Protectors in that village are at. Wandita agrees with them. If that’s where the Protectors there, then that’s where the complex is too.

Enaina has been thinking about their possible problem ever since she found out about it. Suddenly, Enaina goes over to her communication system to contact the others there to find out if there is anyone in that area of Space who can check it out. She’s not going to like who they have found to do it.

Wandita is sure she has found the hidden complex. She’s looking at a large building in the center of Badim from near it. She doesn’t want them to know that she is there yet. Wandita still hasn’t decided what how she is going to solve this problem. All she does know is that she’s going to solve it her way.

                           Chapter Four
                       “The Hidden Complex”

What is Wandita going to do? Wandita doesn’t know what she is going to do yet. The first thing that she needs to deal with are the twelve Protectors outside that building. She knows what she should do, but she can’t do it like she usually does. Not if they continue using the badims there to protect them.

GorVon know who the Troublemaker is and how she caused his latest problem. What he doesn’t know is where she is at. He has his helpers looking for her. They haven’t been able to find her so far. GorVon isn’t surprised about that. He has known all along that finding her will not to be easy to do.

Wandita has been watching the twelve Protector outside that building for a long time. Which hasn’t been easy since they are in pairs on each side of it. She knows every move they have made. What she doesn’t know is how she’s going to kill them at the same time. It’s the only way to save the Badims they are using.

Enaina is still trying to contact The Victorious, but she hasn’t been able to do it. She wants to know why? It takes them a long time to find the answer to that question. When she does, she tells them about the possible problem. She wants them to check it out and contact her as soon as they know anything.

Maybe Wandita doesn’t have to kill them at the same time. In fact, maybe she should. After all, they are using the Badims to protect themselves. Wandita is starting to think that it might be best if she kills them one at a time. Her only concern is how is she going to do it without endangering the Badims.

                           Chapter Five
                “Solving Another Problem Her Way”

Wandita takes out the twelve Protectors on the outside of that building first. She wanted to do them all at once. Only she can’t do that because of the Badims being used as protection. So, she takes them out in pairs with single laser balls to their heads. They are all dead before they let the Badims go and die.

Enaina has contacted The Victorious, but before they can tell her what they have found out about the possible problem she loses contact with them. At first, she thinks it’s because of them. When she learns it isn’t their fault she knows that they do have a problem to solve after all. A very big problem.

The hidden complex is deeply under that building. Wandita is going to have to take out the Protectors on the ground level of it before she can take out the complex. Only the Protectors there are still using the Badims. Wandita can kill all the Protectors there. It’s just going to take some time to do it.

GorVon wants any other Troublemakers who might be there to know that if they try to cause any trouble they will die too. That’s why he wants them to all see what he is about to do to her. He is going to make her death very painful for her before he kills her. GorVon wants her to suffer before she dies.

Wandita has been taking out one Protector after another ever since she has entered the hidden complex. After all, they can’t use the Badims anymore. Which means she is free to kill them any way that she wants to do it. Not only is she going to kill all of them too, but she’s also going to enjoy doing it.

                           Chapter Six
                          “Heading Home”

Leaning back in her command chair in the control room on her spaceship Wandita is mumbling to herself. What she is mumbling can’t be heard, but it can be seen. Her words appear all around her as she says them. She is working on her Final Problem Update. Once she’s done with it she will send it to Unnion.

Enaina has had their communications checked again, and her not being about to contact The Victorious isn’t on their end. She is starting to get worried about why she can’t contact them. What is she going to do now? There us only one thing she can do right now, and that’s to continue trying to contact them.

Wandita is no long in her control room on her spaceship. Now she’s walking among her corridors. She’s still working on her Final Problem Update. Wandita does one at the end of all her problems. She is supposed to do them during the problem, but she very seldom does them. In fact, she never does them.

GorVon watches the main monitor in the room that they are in as they slowly move away from the first planet in that Group of Planets. He doesn’t want them to move away from those planets too fast because there is more of a chance for them being seen this time, and he doesn’t want that to happen.

After entering her sleeping chamber Wandita goes over to her information monitor to send her Final Problem Update to Unnion. Once she does that she just wants to sleep until she gets back home. She’s tired. Killing several hundred individuals who have taken over a planet isn’t that hard, but doing it does take time.

                          Chapter Seven
                “Getting Another Problem to Solve”

Wandita suddenly wakes up when an alarm in her sleeping chamber starts flashing different colors. She shouts to turn it off. At first, she doesn’t want to answer it. Wandita knows who is trying to contact her and why. It’s only been a few days since she solved her last problem. She’s not ready for another one.

GorVon is looking over the shoulder of one of his helpers at a small monitor laying flat in front of them. He wants to know why they aren’t further away from that Group of Planets. Yes, he told to move away slowly, but not that slow. Just then they stop completely. What is going on there now?

After Wandita hears what Problem Solvers wants her to do she doesn’t think that it’s her kind of a problem to solve. They want her to think about it anyway. She agrees to do that, but it’s not going to do them any good. Wandita isn’t going to do it. They need to find someone else who can do it.

Enaina has her communications system checked out again. She is sure that isn’t the reason they can contact The Victorious, but she can’t think of anything else to do right now. There must be another reason why they can’t do it. Enaina just doesn’t know how she’s going to find out what is really going on.

Wandita hasn’t just said no to checking out that possible problem because of what she thinks about it. Whether she decides to do it or not, there is something she needs to do first. She can’t do anything until she does that. What must she do first? Wandita needs supplies, and she needs them badly.

                          Chapter Eight
                      “Need Supplies Anyway”

Weapons is what Wandita needs most of all. She needs other supplies too, but not as badly as she needs weapons. After what has happened on Quikan she needs a lot of supplies. Wandita has gotten some of them on Quikan before she left that planet, but she hasn’t gotten what she needs the most.

GorVon demands to know what is going on. He is losing it again. He’s normally crazy, but at times like this GorVon is even worse. No one wants to go against him when he’s like this. That’s why everyone there is doing whatever it takes to find out why they are still so close to that Group of Planets.

Wandita doesn’t know if the planet of Koomis has all the supplies that she needs, but she is sure they do have the weapons she needs. That’s why she is headed for Koomis right now. She really doesn’t want to go there, but she has no choices. That is the closest planet to get the weapons that she needs.

Enaina needs someone else to go check out that possible problem. She doesn’t really want to send anyone else because of what happened to The Victorious, but she must do it. They must know if it’s a problem or not, and there is only one way to do that. She needs to send someone else to check it out.

Koomis isn’t just a weapons planet. It’s just what they do the most there. Wandita is sure that she will be able to get the rest of the supplies she needs, especially the weapons. There is a very good reason why she shouldn’t be going there. It’s because of what happened the last time she was there.

                           Chapter Nine
                     “No One Knows I’m there”

Wandita has just landed her MiniShuttle on Koomis. She lands it in the center of a large water hole, but she hovers just above that hole for several minutes before she does it. The MiniShuttle sinks to the bottom. Wandita doesn’t even try to stop it from happening. That’s because she doesn’t want to do that.

Enaina is very mad right now. She hasn’t given her okay to contact Wandita about checking out their possible problem. That’s because the other Problem Solvers there know what Enaina will say if they waited until now to contact Wandita. Everyone knows how Enaina feels about Wandita. So, they contacted her themselves.

After floating to the top of that water hole Wandita walks over to the surface. Once on the surface, she heads for the small community of Novila. It doesn’t take Wandita long to get there, but she does it very carefully. Constantly looking all around her as she does it. She also stays hidden most of the time too.

GorVon does this every time that he has a problem. He starts destroying things and individuals. The madder he is the worse he is. GorVon has been having a lot of problems lately. He demands to know what is going on now. How is he going to deal with his problems if he doesn’t know what they are?

Wandita doesn’t want anyone to know she is there. That’s why she has entered the community of Novila without being seen. She has kept to the darkness most of the time. Only venturing out into the light of day when there is no one around. All Wandita wants to do is get the supplies she needs and leave.

                           Chapter Ten
                    “Fighting Without Weapons”

After entering Novila Wandita heads for a nearby place to start getting her supplies. Wandita doesn’t need anyone in the place. So, not being seen isn’t any trouble. What is about to be trouble is when she’s attacked before she can get too many of her supplies, including the weapons she needs against her attackers.

Enaina likes Wandita. She just doesn’t like the way that she solves her problem. Wandita solves all her problems the same way. Killing everyone that’s involved with her problem. That’s the only reason she doesn’t want Wandita to check out that possible problem. It’s not her kind of problem to solve.

Wandita sneak up beside one of her attackers and kills them with a twist of the neck. She drags him out of site with two other attackers. After picking up his weapons she checked it. There should be more than enough energy in it to take out the rest of her attackers without too much trouble at all.

GorVon demands to know what is wrong now. He wants to know who is responsible for whatever is going on. If he doesn’t start getting the answers he’s looking for he’s going to begin killing everyone there. Everyone there knows when he says he’s going to start killing everyone there he means it.

Now that Wandita has some weapons too she can start killing the attackers who are trying to kill them before they kill her. That shouldn’t be any trouble for her. There aren’t too many of them left. Wandita figures there can’t be more than thirty left for her to kill and kill them all she will.

                          Chapter Eleven
                          “Night Vision”

Wandita kills the last three who have been trying to kill her with single laser balls to their heads, but before she can do that all three of them hit her with multiple laser Mini-Spears. She has been hit by a lot of them. Most of them haven’t done any damage to her, but several might have killed her.

GorVon is walking around something very large. This is the weapon he’s going to be using next. Now that he has taken care of his latest Troublemaker he can return to his newest weapon. There is still a lot he needs to do with it before he can even test it. Let along using it against that Group of Planets.

Suddenly, Wandita wakes up in her Sleeping Chamber on her spaceship. What just happened? It’s another Night Vision. Why is she having them? Wandita has been having them ever since she left Koomis. Only she shouldn’t be having them. Especially, since they aren’t the Koomisians she killed on Koomis.

Enaina has started looking for someone else to check out their possible problem. Not only is she looking for someone who is in that area of Space, but also if someone from Unnion can do it if they can’t find someone else in that area of Space. After all, there is no way that Wandita is going to do it.

Wandita wants to know why she is having these Night Visions. She has never had them before now. So, why is she having them? There must be a reason why she is having them. Wandita is about to do something she doesn’t do very often, she smiles. She thinks she know why she’s having all these Night Visions.

                          Chapter Twelve
                         “More Than Ever”

Sitting behind an Information Monitor in her Search Chamber, Wandita is looking into why she has been attacked on Koomis. She knows a lot of Koomisians want her dead. Only she doesn’t think it is Koomisians who have tried to kill her. Wandita doesn’t know who they are yet, but she’s going to find out one way or another.

GorVon doesn’t like what he has just heard about his latest weapon. He has just found out his weapon isn’t working again. That can mean only one thing. It’s the Troublemakers again. It looks like they have at least one more of them there. He’s going to have to find and kill them too.

Wandita has already checked Koomis for the supplies that she needs, and she has gotten a lot of them, but not she needs the most. That’s why she is on her way to the planet of Vennist. She shouldn’t have any problem getting all her supplies on Vennist. Especially what she needs the most, weapons.

Enaina hasn’t had too much luck in finding anyone else who can check out that possible problem. She can’t find anyone except for Wandita in that part of Space, and she has no one on Unnion who can get there as fast as she can. The sooner they know if that is a problem for them the better.

What Wandita needs the most is still weapons, and energy cubes. She’s not completely out of them, though. In fact, while she is on her way to Vennist she is going over what weapons and supplies she does have. Once she knows that she can find the best place on Vennist to get what she needs all at once.

                         Chapter Thirteen
                       “A Possible Problem”

Wandita has stopped have her night visions, and she is very happy about that. She’s also very sad because she still doesn’t know why she has been having them. Now that they are over maybe she will be able to figure that out. She thinks she know why she has been having them, but she hopes that she wrong about that.

Enaina doesn’t have any choice. Whether she likes it or not she must contact Wandita to check out that possible problem. She has already started trying to contact her. So far, she hasn’t been able to do it. She’s not surprised about that. After all, it is Wandita that she is trying to contact.

Do her night visions have anything to do with the possible problem she is checking into? She is starting to think it does. Wandita has been thinking a lot about it. Even before Wandita is contacted she has decided to do it. After what she has found out there is no way they are going to stop her from doing it.

GorVon is very happy now that his weapon is operational once again. Only that happiness doesn’t last long after an explosion damage it again. Not only does GorVon want to know how bad it is, but he wants to know who is responsible for it. He knows it’s one of the Troublemakers, but which one is it.

Wandita can’t stop thinking about what she has been told about the possible problem that she is going to check into. She is starting to think she may have been wrong about it not being her kind of problem to solve. After what she now knows she is sure it is her kind of problem. Besides, it’s personal now.

                         Chapter Fourteen
                      “Getting What She Needs”

After landing her MiniShuttle on Vennist Wandita heads for Roonda. Wandita doesn’t need to be careful there like on Koomis. She still needs to get her supplies as fast as she can, though. If she’s right about what really happened on Koomis, then she leaves that planet just as quickly as she can do it.

Enaina can’t stop looking for someone else besides Wandita to check out their possible problem. She not going to stop doing it until she finds someone else who can do it, and she thinks that she has found that someone. There is just a few more things she needs to check out before she can contact him to do it.

Wandita has been very busy getting the supplies she needs, and she has almost all of them. So far, she hasn’t had too much trouble getting them, but she has a feeling that something is wrong. She just doesn’t know who or what it is for sure. Wandita hopes she is wrong about who she thinks it is.

GorVon wants to know how long it’s going to take to fix his latest weapon this time. He’s about to find out they are sure it can be fixed. They just don’t know how long it’s going to take to do it. GorVon want them to fix it but he doesn’t care about that right now. All GorVon needs to know is what is wrong with it.

Several individuals are following Wandita, but she doesn’t know that yet. Wandita also doesn’t know why they are watching her. She is about to find it out, though. Who are they and what do they want with her? Wandita doesn’t know who they are, but she is going to find out why they are doing it one way or another.

                         Chapter Fifteen
                            “Too Many”

Wandita is about to get attacked again. True, she doesn’t know how many there are or why they are trying to kill her, but she really doesn’t care. All she cares about is killing them all before they kill her. That shouldn’t be any trouble for her. Her only trouble is how long it’s going to take to do it.

GorVon has just found out what is wrong with his latest weapon, and he doesn’t like it when he finds out it can’t be fixed without it blowing itself up and everyone there. It has been setup to destroy itself if fixing it is attempted. What is he going to do now? There is only one thing that he can do.

Luckily, Wandita has all the supplies she needs to take out anyone who is going to try to kill her. She has already started doing it. True, she hasn’t killed too many of them yet, but she has killed a lot of them already. There are only about a hundred of them left to kill. That shouldn’t take her too long to do.

Enaina isn’t too surprised she hasn’t been able to contact Wandita. Wandita is probably behind it. If she doesn’t want to be contacted she won’t be. Enaina is about to be find out she isn’t the reason why she can’t be contacted. It’s them. Why can’t they contact Wandita? That’s what Enaina wants to know.

Wandita continues her attack against those who are trying to kill her. She doesn’t care if it’s one at a time or more. She’s going to kill all of them. Wandita is going to kill all of them too. Sure there are a lot of them to kill, maybe even too many of them for most, but there aren’t enough to kill her.

                         Chapter Sixteen
                      “Who are These Humans”

Who are these humans, and why do they want to kill her?


Wandita knows that they aren’t Vennists who have tried to kill her.


How she is going to find out who they are and why they tried to kill her Wandita doesn’t know yet.

                        Chapter Seventeen
                          “I’m a Loner”

Wandita hears strange sound and goes to check them out.


Who else is no her spaceship, and how did they get there?


Wandita doesn’t want anyone else on her spaceship.

                         Chapter Eighteen
                     “Always Having Problems”

There is only thing that she is having trouble with now.


Wandita is always having trouble with her spaceship.


Why is Hactor being so helpful to Wandita.

                         Chapter Nineteen
                      “Fixing Her Spaceship”

Wandita is about to land on the planet of Ghotus.


Hactor knows someone who can help Wandita, but there might be some trouble getting her to help her.


Wandita can’t help Hactor’s someone if she doesn’t know what kind of trouble that she’s in.

                          Chapter Twenty
                      “The Death of Wandita”

Why does Wandita keep get attacking


Wandita doesn’t have a problem to solve right now.


There may be too many of them for Wandita to kill this time.

                            Novel Two
                       “Attack from Within”

Now that she is at her ultimate destination Wandita has a few million of them to kill.

                        Chapter Twenty-One
                        “The Health Tube”

Wandita survived her last attack, but just barely.


How bad has Wandita been hurt.


Wandita is hurt a lot more than she wants anyone to think she is.

                        Chapter Twenty-Two
                      “Needing Medical Help”

Just how bad is Wandita?


Wandita doesn’t want to admit it she needs medical help, and she needs it fast.


This time it’s Noranni who can help Wandita.

                       Chapter Twenty-Three
                     “Getting to Addin Alive”

Wandita can’t get any health help on Ghotus, but she should be able to on the planet of Addin.


Hactor and Noranni are very worried about Wandita.


Wandita doesn’t know if she can get to the planet of Addin in time.

                       Chapter Twenty-Four
                     “She’s Going to be Okay”

After landing on Addin Wandita needs help to be taken to the nearest Health Center.


Wandita is going to be okay.


At least Wandita will be okay after a little rest.

                       Chapter Twenty-Five
                      “Too Weak to Survive”

Wandita isn’t ready for another fight so soon, but it looks like she’s going to have to be.


It doesn’t look too good for Wandita.


Wandita may be too weak to survive the latest attack against her.

                        Chapter Twenty-Six
                     “Getting to Know You”

It’s not all bad news for Wandita.


Wandita has always wanted to know who is trying to kill her and why.


Keeping a couple of the attackers alive Wandita finds out why she is being attacked and who is doing it sort of.

                       Chapter Twenty-Seven
                     ”Infiltrators Everywhere”

Wandita is trying to contact Unnion.


Unnion needs to know about the Infiltrators.


Wandita hasn’t been able to contact Unnion yet.

                       Chapter Twenty-Eight
                       “Contacting Unnion”

Why can’t Wandita contact Unnion.


Wandita wants to know why she can’t contact Unnion.


What does Wandita have to do to warn Unnion about all the Infaltrators they might have.

                       Chapter Twenty-Nine
                         “Being Blocked”

Wandita has an idea about how to contact them.


Noranni is check out the communications system right now,


Wandita is headed for the planet of Jellim.

                          Chapter Thirty
                       “Survival Unlikely”

The Infiltrators are at the Communications Center.


Wandita needs to get rid of the Infiltrators first before she can try to contact Unnion.


There are a lot of Infiltrators for Unnion to kill.

                        Chapter Thirty-One
                     “Only Two Planets Left”

Wandita couldn’t contact Unnion from Jellim either


Maybe the next planet will be able to help her to contact them.


Wandita isn’t going to the next planet to try to contact Unnion, though.

                        Chapter Thirty-Two
                        “Another Attempt”

No way that Wandita is going to try to contact Unnion


Wandita is starting to think that she will never be able to contact Unnion.


What does Wandita have to do to contact Unnion?

                       Chapter Thirty-Three
                     ”Communication Centers”

Wandita has another reason for going to Yeckian besides the Communications Centers.


There are only two more planets before Wandita gets her ultimate destination.


Wandita wants to kill all the infiltrators before she gets to her ultimate destination.

                       Chapter Thirty-Four
                   “Headed for Communications”

After landing on Yeckian Wandita heads for the nearest and biggest Communications Center.


Wandita isn’t surprised to see the Infiltrators at the Communications Center she is now at.


What is Wandita going to do about the Infiltrators there?

                       Chapter Thirty-Five
                    “Killing All Infiltrators”

Wandita is going to kill all the Infiltrators on Yeckian.


The first Infiltrators that Wandita is going to kill are at that Communications Center.


Wandita will kill the rest of the Infiltrators on Yeckian after she kill all the ones there.

                        Chapter Thirty-Six
                        “Getting Answers”

No, Wandita hasn’t killed all the Infiltrators on Yeckian.


Wandita still doesn’t know anything about who is trying to kill her and why.


Will Wandita get the answers that she’s looking for?

                       Chapter Thirty-Seven
                          “Where is It?”

Wandita is close enough to see her ultimate destination, but she can’t.


Why can’t Wandita see her ultimate destination?


Wandita wants to know she can’t see it.

                       Chapter Thirty-Eight
                    “Her Ultimate Destination”






                       Chapter Thirty-Nine
                        “The Last Attack”






                          Chapter Forty
                  “So Many Infiltrators to Kill”













                           Will Return


                       “Attack from Within”

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