Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944989-Meteor-Shower
by Twiga
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2173899
On a Planet where Humans and Humanimals live peacefully things are about to change
#944989 added November 5, 2018 at 11:57pm
Restrictions: None
Meteor Shower
However tonight Beulah’s Dad was about to reveal WHY they were having supper early.

“Beulah!” Her Dad said as Beulah was about to head to her room. “Where you headed off to? Tonight is the night we can be on the surface!”

“What?!” Beulah’s antennae stood on end “But...You said...”

“The other Humanimals proclaimed us too ugly for the light of day...” Her Dad “...We can be in the light of the night.” Her Dad looked upward at their dirt ceiling.

“On night’s like tonight, when there is scheduled to be a meteor shower, the vertebrates relent so we can see the beauty.”

Beulah was speechless!

“That was why we had supper early.” Said her Dad “We should start heading upwards now.”

The Scarab Family left their Burrow-House and they joined their Fellow Insects traveling the Tunnels of Dirtberg to the Secret Tunnels that led to the Surface. These were only for emergency evacuations and nights like this…
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944989-Meteor-Shower