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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/949824-My-Big-Cat-Sun-Sign
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
#949824 added January 17, 2019 at 9:10am
Restrictions: None
My Big Cat Sun Sign
30-Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT January 17th
Do a bit of research on your Zodiac Sign. What are the associated characteristics of people with your sign and how do you exhibit those characteristics?

Leo is a fire sign and while I whole-hardheartedly embrace a lot of what characterizes Leo's, its not something I place a lot of stock in...ya know, scientifically and all. It is fun though, to imagine we are put together with more than our genes and our ancestral DNA.

In keeping with my Big cat sun sign, I tend to be more outgoing and I certainly have a fiery temper. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family and naturally protective of those I love but in almost all cases, my roar is worse than my bite. I tend to take the lead on projects for work and for the most part, really good at my job. But in true Leo fashion, I'm not always the best listener, especially when the voice isn't as strong or confident as my own. I often suspect I may steamroll my coworkers in the pursuit of results. I am also my harshest critic. I don't ever let myself off lightly. I love bold colors, all things vibrant red and shiny gold. I am a very passionate person in my pursuits. I love with lioness veracity. These Leo-esque qualities, I would admit are pretty much spot on. However, after taking a few minutes read through the link...I can also see how I am a direct departure from the typical Leo in other ways.

"Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn't fit with their agenda or idea of fun."
No way this is me. I can't tell you the amount of time I find myself doing something for someone else or because I failed to say "no". If I were a true Leo I would never have been guilted into a second year the dreaded PTO board. I would have never seen half the bad movies I have. I wouldn't have taken the road trips I've been stuck on. I never would have ended up on the infamously endless river rafting trip with a zodiac full of intoxicated idiots on the slowest, lamest river in the western hemisphere.

"You never run out of energy. As a Lion, a 20-minute catnap will fully recharge you so that you can dance all night long." Hells No. I run out of energy...often. I'm not a great sleeper, even though I may rise with the sun...I also could go to be with it most days. The last time I "danced all night long", I was prob 21 - decades ago! A 20-minute catnap would be more of a tease than a refresher. I'm prone to bursts of energy, especially when the pressure is on but this is not a limitless supply. I will hit the wall and I will hit it hard, with the force of a crash of rhinos. Fun bit o'trivia...a group of Rhinos is called a crash. What do you think a group of ducks is called? A group of crows? But, I digress...

Overall, I think I'm probably a pretty decent match to the Leo sign. There are definitely most positive traits than negative ones associated with the sign which is a good thing. I know there are lots of things I need to work on though, one can only blame the stars so much after all.

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