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Rated: GC · Book · Crime/Gangster · #1967095
A book about an unlikely superhero, the jealous kind. Join Perry in his adventures!
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#951060 added February 3, 2019 at 10:59am
Restrictions: None
Ch. 12 Payday
Stone tiles moved from the floor of an abandoned Tile Factory.  The stone tiles were concealed stone turtles that were disguised to be part of the floor.  A set of stairs were visible to Hekaton and Face Off as Caillou walked up the stairs onto the floor of the Tile Factory. 

The stone skin man looked around as green energy floated from him to a few statues of centipedes and bears.  The statues animated after absorbing enough green energy.  They then moved to guard Caillou from any direction.

The turtle statues moved to the missing floor tiles and climbed into the hole.  Falling into place to make the floor whole again.  Face Off walked up as he held out his arms to Caillou, "Welcome to Clarksville, Caillou.  It is nice to see you here."

Caillou looked at Face Off as he spoke to the Able with face displacement powers, "I'm well aware of your talents.  A spy for the Pincers, capable of displacing your face onto other surface."

Face Off laughed as he backed up as a hand came from a portal to grab his arm.  Hekaton walked up as he said to Caillou, "When you called I have to say I was curious why you would come here, Caillou."

Caillou smiled as he said to the pair, "To strengthen the independence of Ables of course."

Perry's Room

Perry was getting ready as he pulled out his wallet.  He grabbed his West Bank Debit card.  He pulled out his phone and accessed his donation website.  Eyes widen as he saw that his account now had $2,872.45.  He went to his payout option and saw that the taxes taken out from his income was $861.74, leaving his take home pay to his debit account as $2,010.71.  The website told him that a credit of $400 dollars would be credited while the rest would take 3 days to confirm transfer.

With a smile he spoke to himself as he saw an message from a Zoner, "Wow, a Zoner wants to interview for their channel about my heroics.  Megan Nicole is a rather awesome news channel on Zone.com."

An update appeared on his text app from Ri.  Perry tapped the bubble to see his screen change to the Ugarian girl.  The blue and orange wing feathers stood out as always.  The text stated, “Looking forward to our hangout!  See you at Dashals Friday at 7.”

Perry put away his phone and walked over to his bed.  He summoned the ash for his heroic uniform.  He spook aloud, “Now, that I have the Bow Knights’ powers.  I shouldn’t need a pair of quivers.  Bow Knight has the power to summon any kind of Ammunition and Throwing Weapon such as Bolts, Arrows and Throwing Knives.  Let’s give it a try.”

Perry held up his hand and said as he focused, “Let’s go for Shuriken like the Jhoto manga.”

Nothing happened as Perry then said on realization, “Of course, Bow Knight is set in a Fantasy setting of Medieval Europe.  He can only make weapons that are European.  Lets’ try a throwing knife.”
A throwing knife appeared in his hand with a jade blade.  He grinned as he looked at it, “It even has the magical enchantment that Bow Knight is famous for summoning his items with.”

Thinking aloud Perry spoke, “The Metal Aura is also another power, let’s try accessing it.”

Perry summoned from ash the car door from the Tennessee Thunder incident.  The car door he had absorbed in particular was an old clunker and thus the door was 67% made of metal.  When accessing the Metal Aura power, the door came apart and formed into armor that covered his chest and head.  Armed with a red chest plate and helmet he said looking at himself in a mirror, “I’ll have to get some more metal absorbed if I want this power to be at its’ peak use.  Probably some metal armor that is custom made by someone.”

Perry released the power, the metal came off him in its’ original form.  And his History Absorption powers from the Professor restored the car door.  The car door turned to ask that returned to him. 

Perry moved the throwing knife and waved his free hand over it.  The jade blade throwing knife vanished and with a smile Perry spoke, “Bow Knights’ powers come in handy.”

Perry then pulled out his phone after hearing a comic book page flip sound.  It was the app on his phone called Hero Signal, Ri must have been working from home.  The app had an invoice for the Fire Bomb comics that he requested up til the cancelation issue.  The total was $85.21 with his discount included plus shipping and handling.  He used his Zipline account to pay it, the Zipline account drew money from his bank account at West Bank.

Perry moved as he turned his uniform to ash and left the quivers on the bed.  He put them in the blue tote under his bed and slid the tote back. 

Outside Perry’s flat

A purple limo sat two streets away with Dorenchi in the drivers’ seat.  Aisha Linde sat in the back and looked at her left arm where the shield used to be.  Now, on her arm was a decorative black metal vambrace with an amethyst embedded in it and a single gargoyle statue at the wrist of the vambrace. 

Dorenchi looked in the back and said admiring the vambrace, “Why did you request the family blacksmith to make a vambrace that resembles the Shield, Lady Linde?”

Aisha replied to him as she looked at her smart phone over the data that those in her familys’ employ have gathered, “Because I feel comfortable with something on my arm.  And the family priest said that the charm he placed on it will repel demonic touch.  As you are aware, long ago a demon kissed the left hand of the Linde noblest of women.  And the Shield was chained to her arm being passed down only from mother to daughter until twin daughters could be born.  And the Shield would only leave the maiden if she met a challenger worthy of severing the chain.  The chain and shield would be broken, for one year while the maiden used that time to convince the man to help her birth a pair of twin daughters.  If a single daughter was born, then when the father died so would the daughter.  Thus, the Shield would take the lives of all the Linde bloodline within the year of the maidens’ death.  And I do not intend on any demon from taking my left hand like they did my ancestor.”

A ping happened on her phone as she saw uploaded to her private Zone account a video.  She clicked the video to see in the room of Perry Turner.  And she observed him summon his powers and hero uniform.

With her brows drawing together she said in compound confusion, “How did Empowered Boy break my chain on the second encounter?  That’s not possible.”

Dorenchi looked at his own phone to see the video that he had also received from the Linde Family Spies.  Dorenchi spoke to her, “You’re right, Lady Linde.”

Aisha looked up from her phone to look out the window.  She saw from her limo Perry exit his Flat complex and take out the trash.  She then smiled amused by the turn of events, “Well, this is going to be an interesting year.”
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