Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/955032-Color-Me-Just-a-Reader
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Mostly a Reader, Nothing to See Here - 2018 & 2019
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#955032 added March 26, 2019 at 9:27am
Restrictions: None
Color Me Just a Reader
Suddenly, I see
I do it for me
not for a shiny dangled something
that adds up to nothing

I do it for whatever reason
For too many years to count the seasons
I don't choose to play that game
It's still me, the same one, different name

And then I see the lament
jumping in with brag of time spent
the one who can't manage a thing
when it isn't all about attention and bling

And so, I will lay down a new goal
They won't know it, those with no soul
My reading dedication means nothing to you
Color me wiser, but color me (at least right now, can't assume anything going forward) blue

Lovely Image in March
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