Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/958004-Cold-Lovers-Waltz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Music · #2188679
Short stories for the Musicology Anthology Challenge 2019
#958004 added July 31, 2019 at 4:05pm
Restrictions: None
Cold Lover's Waltz
Louellyn Marshall studied her husband's unreadable face and wished she could hear his thoughts. His glassy eyes bore through the opposite wall. Steve had been busy at work lately, and she guessed he'd had a big business lunch, as evidenced by the full plate of steak and lobster before him.

"Did I tell you I ran into Mrs. Swensen at the store today, Dear? She and Roger are getting a divorce. Can you imagine? After so many years? It's a shame." Louellen chomped down on a bite of lobster and sipped the expensive wine. Steve didn't respond, but it looked like he might have nodded a little. Maybe he was coming around.

Louellen nodded to the waiter to refill their drinks, but she didn't think he noticed her. He stood stock-still by the grand staircase that went up to a second floor with balcony seating. She'd make sure to remember his negligence when it came time to decide on the tip.

Steve shifted slightly in his seat but continued to ignore his dinner. Louellen tried to calm her anger by thinking about all the leftovers they could share later, but still, it was rude of Steve to ignore her on their date.

"It's her, isn't it?" She dropped a half-eaten breadstick on the table, too hurt and disgusted to eat any more. Louellen thought that Steve had finished with that no- good tramp Irene Suthers that lived down the street, but maybe that was still going on, behind her back.

Steve continued his silent treatment but nodded his head. A confession. Anger flared up inside her like a too-full balloon, ready to explode.

"I can't believe you! I do so much for you, and it still isn't good enough! I’m tired of being caught in this...this cold lover’s waltz!" Louellen slammed her fists down on the table and watched as her glass of wine tipped and spilled, a red stain spread out across the cloth.

The growing red splotch mesmerized her, left her speechless, in a daze. She remembered a similar incident only three days ago.

Louellen gasped, her eyes cleared, and she saw everything clearly. She remembered everything.

The scene that played out before her shocked and horrified her. Instead of a fancy restaurant, the couple dined in the filthy, dank basement of their modest home. Steve had nothing on his plate, but on Loellen's the bloody mess that used to be Steve's hand, lay sprawled out, the wedding ring still on his finger. A few bites had been taken out of the fleshy part just below the pinky. The flavor of such cuisine lingered on her breath.

She remembered how Steve had screamed when she stabbed him the first time, how he'd tried to squirm away, thrashing at the long extension cord that bound him. When she plunged the meat skewer into his neck, he gurgled and squirmed for several moments before growing silent, and still.

Louellen noticed something sticking out of Steve's mouth. On closer inspection, she discovered the balled up divorce papers crammed half down his throat. She didn't remember doing that, but she smiled at the thought.
524 words

Lately I've been reelin'
'cause I can't shake this feelin'
You always aimed at stealin' my heart
And through the hours of turnin'
This thought around my yearnin'
For you has turned to burnin'
And now I am lost
In a cold lover's waltz
Just spinnin' 'round
On hollow ground
With a loss cause
In a cold lover's waltz
Parting ways reminds me
You'll never lie beside me
Without that twinge of guilty wondering
And as this town grows empty
This love that you have lent me
Is strong enough to keep me
Caught in the swing
Of a cold lover's waltz
Just spinnin' 'round
On hollow ground
With a loss cause
In a cold lover's waltz
All I ever wanted
Was to be to you
What you are to me
Now she's the one
That you call home
And I'm just the one you leave

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