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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/959324-Bright-Sun-and-Blue-Skies
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
#959324 added May 20, 2019 at 9:23am
Restrictions: None
Bright Sun and Blue Skies
30 Day Blogging Challenger
PROMPT May 19th
Write about your ideal weekend.

There have been a lot of busy weekends as school comes to a close. May is a month of mayhem for us that way. For most weekends this Spring, we have been a slave to our calendar and haven't been at liberty to chose either the weather or our pick of activity. I am looking forward to next weekend though. There is nothing on the schedule and for the moment, the forecast looks to be perfect with temps in the 70's and no rain expected. We may be able to finally script our ideal weekend at last.

For me, the ideal weekend would be spent close to home. This is our first Spring in our new home and we are slowing trying to tame the yard and do a bit of landscaping. We have had so much rain that it has pushed such plans well off schedule. We are catching up to the mulching and the planting. We have finally managed to get a bit of it done so having breakfast out on the deck, watching the birds and enjoying the fresh blooms sounds idyllic. Taking a mid-morning jaunt to the nursery to pick out some more flowers to plant or veggies to build a patio garden would be the next step in a day largely spent pruning, tending and beautifying our corner of the world.

A late afternoon visit to my sister's horse farm would give us a break. She lives six minutes from home and her lovely property hosts three goats, chickens, a gaggle of dogs and cats, her two horses as well two baby fresian fillies and her resident donkey. My daughter loves to help clean the stalls, groom the horses and gather chicken eggs. The hours we spend there gives me a chance to unwind from the week, catch up with my little sister and get some snuggle time with her animals. She is quintessential country mouse, but this city mouse, has grown to love sharing this part of her world. There is something about being with her horses that brings me a particular peace that settles into my tired bones and gives me a release from the demands of my life.

Saturday night usually would mean a cookout with friends and family. If the night was mild enough, we could lite the fire table and sit on the deck, watching the bats whizzing back and forth in the twilight. It might also mean the pleasant buzz from one two many glasses of red wine and falling asleep to the sounds of a summer thunder storm.

I'd kick off Sunday morning, cooking breakfast with the dogs while my family sleeps in. I love this time when I prepare a big breakfast while listening to NPR on the radio and catching up on the world news and events. It is peaceful. The new kitchen is flooded with light and the smells of turkey bacon and waffles soon waft upstairs and wake my husband and daughter. Sunday breakfast is always leisurely. The afternoon might be a trip to a local park or a visit to Jaden's grandparents marina for a picnic. I typically make a big meal to wrap up the weekend, something like roast chicken or baked ziti.

The ideal weekend for me at this point in my life is just passing hours at or close to our new home with family under bright sun and blue skies. It is full of simple joys.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/959324-Bright-Sun-and-Blue-Skies