Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/961984-Perfect-Fruit
Rated: E · Book · Children's · #2193082
These stories will tell the tale of Little Bat and her adventures outside the cave.
#961984 added July 3, 2019 at 1:21pm
Restrictions: None
Perfect Fruit
"I'm hungry mommy," Little Bat said flying over to Alicia.

"Oh my, it's time to eat already. Let me give you some tips for finding the perfect fruit. Not too ripe, not too green," Alicia said.

"How will I tell if it's not too ripe or not too green?" Little Bat had little experience in finding fruit. Usually her mother brought the fruit in to her. This time is the first time she would be hunting for fruit on her own.

"The too green ones are where the fruit is still green. Those need to ripen first and is bitter. I ended up trying one once and did not like it. The perfect fruit will be red all around. Those turning orange are too ripe. Are you ready?" Alicia explained.

"Yes, I'm ready. So go for the red ones then. I think I know what to do," Little Bat said.

"Good luck," Alicia said.

"I'll be back," Little Bat said.

Flying out of the cave Little Bat headed for some trees by the rocks. These trees were filled with fruit. Most of them were green. Little Bat remembered her mother told her not to eat the green ones. Then she flew further deeper into the forest and checked out the trees there. Most of the fruit were orange. She ended up trying one and it tasted sour. Not the fruit she wanted either. Then she flew off and headed for the trees close to the beach. There she found fruit that were red and just right. She ate some fruit, as much as she could, then headed back to the cave.

"Mommy, I found the red fruit and they were delicious. I'm full now," Little Bat said.

"Great! Now come snuggle up. It's bedtime," Alicia said.

"Can you tell me a story?" Little Bat asked.

"Certainly," Alicia replied.

After Little Bat snuggled up then Alicia started telling a story about red fruit. She loved how sweet the fruit is. Soon she fell asleep dreaming about the red fruit and how sweet it is. Tonight has been a good night.
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