Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/962514-Vacation
Rated: E · Book · Children's · #2193082
These stories will tell the tale of Little Bat and her adventures outside the cave.
#962514 added July 12, 2019 at 10:34pm
Restrictions: None
"I'm ready for vacation," Little Bat sang as her mother woke up.

"First we need to find daddy and your brother Jake. This is feeding time so they might be out of the cave hunting for red fruit. I'll help you search for them. There are several places I know them to be at," Alicia said.

"Let's find them first. I miss daddy and Jake," Little Bat said.

"Follow me."

Little Bat followed her mother out of the cave. Then they flew all the way to a lake. There were some red fruit to eat, but no Dan and Jake. After nibbling on some red fruit then they took off into the air again. Soon they met Jacob and heard him talking about going to the lake to have a drink of fresh water. Then they continued on over to the beach.

"Hello you two. Looks like something is up," Roger said.

"We are searching for daddy and Jake. Did you happen to see them?" Little Bat said.

"They were here just a little bit ago. Then they left. That's all I have to say," Roger said.

"Great. They must be nearby. Thank you for the help," Alicia said.

"No problem," Roger said before hiding in his shell.

"They must have gone this way then," Little Bat said taking the lead.

Alicia caught up as Little Bat headed to the group of trees with red fruit on them. Slowly they searched for Dan and Jake. No luck, they returned into the sky. Then they went back to the cave. Little Bat called out for Dan as they entered the cave. Soon a familiar voice called back. They had found Dan and Jake.

"What's up?" Dan asked as they arrived.

"Vacation time! We're going to see the world," Little Bat replied.

"This would be the perfect time for vacation. What do you say?" Alicia said.

"Certainly. There are plenty of red fruit to go around at this time of the year. Let's find some red fruit to save up for vacation. I know the best places to go to," Dan said.

"Hello," Jake said.

"Let's do it," Little Bat said, grabbing a clay basket.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/962514-Vacation