Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/962787-Jacqueline
Rated: E · Book · Children's · #2193082
These stories will tell the tale of Little Bat and her adventures outside the cave.
#962787 added July 17, 2019 at 10:37pm
Restrictions: None
"Time to head to Jacqueline. Everyone full of the fruit we brought?" Dan asked as they finished eating their meal.

"Yes. What kind of place is Jacqueline?" Little Bat replied, gulping down her last bite.

"Jacqueline is a big city. There are skyscrapers in it. We used to visit when we were little as well," Alicia said.

"I can't wait to see a skyscraper," Jake said.

"You'll have your chance. Just follow my lead," Dan said.

"I'm ready to see the city," Little Bat said taking into the air.

The family left the coastline behind and flew over the trees. In a distance they could make out some tall buildings. After an hour they began to see houses. The city stretched for miles. Noise could be heard coming from cars as well as the yells of children playing.

"Here we are in Jacqueline. This way to the skyscrapers. Careful not to run into the glass," Alicia said.

"Jacqueline is huge. I can see the skyscrapers from here. Those buildings are very tall," Little Bat said.

"Awesome," Jake said.

They continued to fly to the skyscrapers. Soon the buildings acted as a wall in the sky. Little Bat accidentally ran into the glass and started falling. She lost some of her red fruit along the way. As she regained her balance she flew fast to catch some of the red fruit she brought along. Successful before reaching the road, she flew upward. Since the place was large she didn't know where to go.

"Mommy, daddy," Little Bat cried out.

"Here I am," Alicia said flying down to her side. The rest of the family followed suit.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," Little Bat replied.

"Let's find a place to spend the day here. Rest up well. The noise can be a bit much. Then we'll continue exploring," Alicia said.

The family flew up until they found a flat surface overlooking the sidewalk. There they ate some red fruit and laid down. Alicia told a bedtime story so that Little Bat and Jake could fall asleep easily. Then Dan and Alicia fell asleep for the day.
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