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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/964008-August-10-2019
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#964008 added August 12, 2019 at 6:42am
Restrictions: None
August 10, 2019
"August 10, 2019 Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Blog City image smallAn image for a blog that I hope will take root.

An image for a blog that I hope will take root. Prompt: Do you tithe?

I know our leader has been on hiatus for a few days. I haven't been receiving the prompts so I often don't chime in. I found the forum today only by finding her port in author search. I normally would not go to all that trouble but I wanted to share my experience with you regarding the tithe. As a soldier in the Salvation Army I signed a covenant with the Army and with God that I would do certain things and abstain from other things. I have been faithful in the things I am suppose to do, though I sin a lot and fail to abstain from all the things I am to abstain from. However I tithe faithfully as I am obligated to do. Since I have begun to tithe God has proven faithful to His promise in Malachi 3: 10 I believe it is, where He said to test Him in tithing. He said that if we tithed He would see to it that our needs were faithfully met. I have been tithing for two years and during that time I have never found myself completely broke but maybe once or twice. When I was completely broke God still provided for me. My biggest requirement is something to drink. I hate water so I drink a lot of soda and other drinks. One time I found myself broke and had no money to buy my soda. I wondered what I was going to do and thought I may have to resort to drinking water. God came through for me. The home I live in made an announcement that they were giving away cases of soda! Apparently they had some that was about to expire or had reached its expiration date already. I went over and they gave me three cases, which carried me past my next pay check!
God has always proven faithful in His promise to bless the tithe. I know, I live at an assisted living facility and everything I need is provided for me. However they do not provide my drinks nor the Internet by which I am writing this blog. They also do not provide for the payment of my bills. They do take 50% of my income however, and the remaining 50% is not enough to cover my bills. Regardless of that I give the Salvation Army my tithe each month. I find that even the numbers on paper say I should not have enough left over to pay my bills if I tithe. The reality however is that I have the money to pay my bills, and usually have more than enough spending money to boot! God is faithful. This is not to say that I pay my tithe as if it is an investment and I expect God to return it to me with interest. It is to say that I pay my tithe faithfully and obediently and God supplies my needs. I challenge anybody to do exactly what God says in Malachi. Test Him in tithing. Try it for six months and see if He does not meet your needs and bless you to boot!

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: August 10 is National S'mores Day and Lazy Day. Pick one or both and give us some insight on the proper way to make S'mores and/or be creatively lazy"

My dad used to say that us kids could figure out ways to get out of work. He said "You do more work avoiding work, than if you just did the work to begin with. I really can't think of any specific examples of exactly how we would go about doing so because we had a number of jobs we did around the farm and we did them the same way every time. I do know that we were children and a lot of times we simply did not have the strength to do things the easy way. For example if we were baling hay it would seem logical to simply toss the bale onto the truck or trailer. Instead we would often roll it on and push it to the top. Most men would have carried it and tossed it up there. Us boys did not have the strength to do that so we rolled it. Thus dad said we were being lazy. I don't know if he was serious and thought we were stronger than we were or if he was only joking.
We did a lot of work that way. You can't expect a child to work the same way an adult does. I know it will offend some people that children were expected to do hard labor to begin with. It never offended me in the slightest. I understood that we were running a farm and grew mist of our own food. Labor was a matter of survival. The younger children played but once we were old enough to follow directions we worked.

Blog City image small Prompt: "Book review time: tell us about a great book you have recently read. Or recommend one of your fellow WDC writer's work to us."

I know. It's unheard of, but I don't like smores.

I will tell you about a good Star Trek novel I just read yesterday but first let me take a moment and advertise for an auction I am running.
The Summer Time Auction  (E)
This auction will be a fundraiser for Bi-Weekly Oriental Poetry, RAOK, and other charities
#2195633 by Chris Breva
is a charity auction. The proceeds go to support four popular forums: RAOK Upgrade Brigade, Oriental Poetry Contest, WDC Super Powers Reviewers, and Anniversary Reviews Forum. We have a lot of packages ranging from reviews to merit badges, awardicons, and even gift points and autographs. So stop by and place a bid today!
The Star Trek novel I read was about Captain Kirk They were always his nemesis. In this book he had just taken over command of the Enterprise. He did not know Spock very well and did not rely on his first officer much. The book is about him learning to trust Mr. Spock. I do not remember the title.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors

© Copyright 2019 Chris Breva (UN: marvinschrebe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Chris Breva has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/964008-August-10-2019