Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/965118-Jacobs-Story
Rated: E · Book · Children's · #2193082
These stories will tell the tale of Little Bat and her adventures outside the cave.
#965118 added August 29, 2019 at 5:19pm
Restrictions: None
Jacob's Story
"Hi Jacob," Little Bat called out when she noticed Jacob flying over a tree below. She flew down to where Jacob is.

"Hello Little Bat. Searching for red fruit at this time of evening?" Jacob said.

"Yes. Been a long time since I saw you last. Have any new stories to tell?" Little Bat ask.

"Sure do. Why not land on a tree and I will tell you," Jacob said.

Close to the waterfall they landed on a tree. Little Bat hung a ways above Jacob's head. Then Jacob started telling a story about the heart of the forest. Years ago there was no forest on this island and a foreigner wanted to change that by planting trees. He still came around the place every so often to check up and see how these trees were doing. After several years the trees started producing red fruit and the bats of the island didn't have to travel mainland in search for food anymore. Then a magical heart appeared after a while with so many trees planted. Little Bat enjoyed the story. When Jacob was done she flew off to search for red fruit nearby.
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