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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2213350
6 people from Earth in a space plane travel to a world of giants 72 times bigger than us!
#975824 added February 22, 2020 at 3:05pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 20
Melissa sat in her chair observing Leo, Mason, and the other freed captives. They had finished eating, and the freed captives were waiting for her to speak to them. A noise came from her communication console in her living room, and she turned it on. A woman's face appeared on the screen, and she sounded frantic.

"One of our operatives has reported that there are some people who are going to feed some captives to a snake!" the woman said. "Can you send some of your agents to rescue them? The place is not too far from where you live!"

"My captives have been drinking alcohol," said Melissa. "Can't you find someone else? I don't want to send my guys when they're impaired."

"What have they been drinking?" the woman asked.

"A little whiskey," said Melissa.

Leo stepped to the edge of the coffee table and spoke up. "I only drank a little bit, Melissa! I'm not impaired at all!"

Mason joined him. "Me too! I'm willing to take risks for the resistance!"

"Okay, great, Leo and Mason!" said Melissa. "Two of my guys are volunteering! Transmit the address to me and I'll arm them and send them in!"

Once Melissa had the address, she got Mason and Leo some gear that they would need. They were armed with protective clothing, and weapons. They were much more prepared than they had been when they were under Melina's care. She only armed them with pneumatic firing tubes, but Melissa gave them laser rifles. Melissa carried them in her hands and took them to the back of a condominium complex that was only a few blocks from where she lived. She released Mason and Leo and told them where the condominium was where the captives were being held. They set out on their mission.

Meanwhile, back at Zima's dorm, Nolan was inside of Zima's belly wearing a protective suit. Zima had demanded that Nolan eat some of her chyme to prove his love to her, but Nolan had figured out a way out of that. He swam downwards to the hole that connected Zima's stomach to her small intestine, and made his way through the opening. After passing into the small intestine, the digested food was inedible, so he would have nothing to prove to Zima. When he was thirsty, there was an attachment that allowed him to sip water. He could communicate with Zima via two-way radio.

"You just passed into my small intestine!" said Zima. "I wouldn't recommend eating anything from there at this point! If you were hungry, you should've eaten when you first arrived in my stomach!"

"I'm not hungry right now!" said Nolan.

In another part of town, Leo and Mason came to an air vent and used their laser rifles to cut a hole into it so they could enter. Once inside, they were in a long pipe that led to an air vent that was inside the living room of the condominium they were invading. The vent was located behind a couch, so they were able to enter unseen by titans. Leo used his laser rifle to cut through the second vent, and they jumped down and crawled underneath the couch to get a view of what was going on.

Meanwhile, back at Zima's dorm, Zima sat back relaxing in her school girl uniform with her blouse pulled up to reveal her belly, which she was gently rubbing. Zima smiled as she thought about the power she had over Nolan, knowing that he was proving his love by going on a full tour of her digestive system. Zima had a control console that allowed her to track exactly where Nolan was within her body, and there was a two-way radio she could communicate with him with. Zima pressed the button that transmitted her voice to Nolan so he could hear her.

"Tell me more about your life!" said Zima. "I want to get to know you better!"

"My dad was in the Marine Corps. before I was born," said Nolan. "I thought about joining, but my dad always told me I didn't have what it takes, because I'm more of a creative type."

"What a mean thing to say!" said Zima.

"Well, he was probably right," said Nolan, "I could've gotten myself killed if I had joined up, because I daydream too much. I would rather work on giantess comics than train to be a soldier. I went to college instead, but I guess I already told you about that. A couple of semesters at a junior college, then three years at the Joe Kubert art school!"

"Are you an artist now, back on Earth?" Zima asked.

"In my spare time," said Nolan, "but my main gig is being a concert promoter."

"How did you get into that?" Zima asked.

"I had lived in Pismo Beach most of my life, but me and some friends went down to Hollywood to party at some clubs, and we all got arrested. We got split up in jail, and my celly was a concert promoter who got busted the same night I did. He showed me the ropes, and gave me a phone number and I started working for him when I got released. I ended up moving to L.A. after that, and that's how I got into concert promoting."

"Are you good at what you do?" Zima asked.

"Any time I promote a rock concert, my name is mentioned on several rock stations in L.A." said Nolan. "I've been living in L.A. promoting concerts since I was in my 20's, and I'm 39 now. After spending time working for the guy I met in jail, I went to work for myself, and I'm one of the top three concert promoters in the Los Angeles area."

"You've got a nice physique," said Zima. "How did you achieve it?"

"My mom bought me some weights for my thirteenth birthday. My thirteenth birthday was on a Friday the thirteenth, by the way."

"Friday the thirteenth?" Zima asked. "When is your birthday?"

"June 13th, 1990." said Nolan. "I was born on a Wednesday, but my 13th birthday fell on a Friday the 13th. Anyway, getting back to my story, I worked out with weights consistently through junior high and high school. By the time I was 20, I was pretty buff."

Back in another part of town, Leo and Mason could see a snake cage. There were some titans in the living room, but they couldn't see any captives. Leo and Mason had been briefed by Melissa about how to conduct the mission. They both got their backpacks out and took out the gas masks, and put them on. They were much better prepared for a rescue than when Leo had been with Melina. They each pulled out blue pellets and cracked them open. Instantly, a blue gas emerged, and both men threw the pellets into the room. The titans in the room fell instantly, and Leo and Mason knew they had about five minutes to act.

They ran to the snake cage, and saw that there were captives inside the cage. The snake cage was unaffected by the gas, because it had its own air conditioning system. The captives banged on the transparent wall of the cage, and Mason and Logan used their laser rifles to drill through the transparent material. The gas had dissipated enough that the captives they were rescuing weren't adversely affected by it. There were six of them, and they followed Leo and Mason back behind the couch through the air vent, and outside to freedom.

"We're working for the underground resistance!" said Leo. "There's a giantess named Melissa who takes care of us, so don't be scared of her when we approach her!"

Melissa was waiting for them, and she collected them in a box and carried them back to her condominium. When they were back at Melissa's, the freed captives were set on the coffee table with the other captives, and Melissa introduced herself to them.

"My name is Melissa, and I work for the underground resistance, as Leo and Mason have probably already told you. Let me make something for you to eat!"

Melissa disappeared into the kitchen and came back five minutes later with a plate of sandwiches. She used a shrink-ray pistol to reduce the sandwiches down to the scale of the captives. They dug in and enjoyed their meal.

"There's something new captives must do to get initiated," said Melissa. "You must be my sex toys as we play a game called 'Escape from Thunder-nipple mountain,' are you down for that?"

One of the men said yes, while the other five of the newly freed captives remained silent. Leo and Mason kept quiet, so as not to ruin the joke.

"I was just kidding!" said Melissa. "I say that to all the new recruits! When we free some new captives, don't ruin the joke when I play that trick on the newer guys!"

Back at Zima's, Nolan was still swimming through Zima's digestive system. He felt very strange knowing that others had passed along this same route, but they had died by being digested by her. This both chilled him and excited him at the same time. What right did he have to be spared by Zima? What right did he have to win her love? He didn't know, but he was thrilled that this mighty giantess had chosen him to be her husband. Now all he had to do was make a greater sacrifice than Adonis, and he would win her hand. He had an idea of how to accomplish that, but he would need Adonis to keep his end of the bargain and refuel the Thunderbolt.

"What are you thinking about right now?"" Zima's voice asked through the two-way radio.

"I was thinking about how much I love you!" said Nolan. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm in the mood for sex!" said Zima. "Having you inside me makes me feel like a conqueror, and that makes me horny!"

"How long before I pass through your colon?" Nolan asked.

"A few more hours," said Zima. "Keep swimming, Nolan!"

There were lights on his helmet that allowed Nolan to see what was ahead of him. He couldn't see much, except for a brownish liquid of digesting matter that he swam through, trying to find his way to the exit of Zima's digestive system. As he was swimming along, he bumped into something solid. He grabbed it and pulled it close to his helmet so he could see it, and he had a human skull in his hands.

"Uh, Zima?" Nolan asked.

"What's up, tiger?" Zima asked.

"I found a skull in your small intestine!" said Nolan. "Did you swallow someone recently?"

Nolan could hear Zima's laughter over the two-way radio. "I swallowed one of the captives that didn't have any skills, but that was yesterday! How does he look?"

"Your stomach acid did a number on his skull!" said Nolan. "All that's left is bone!"

"How does that make you feel?" Zima asked.

"I have mixed feelings," said Nolan. "On one hand, I feel kind of excited that you're such a conqueror, but at the same time, it's kind of frightening."

"The fact that you can feel turned on by that is further proof that you belong on Thanatar! That's how men on Thanatar have been genetically engineered to think and feel! They all want to be conquered by a giantess! You don't belong on Earth!"

"I would gladly never return to Earth if I could stay with you and be your husband!" said Nolan. "If I did stay and you enlarged me, where could I stay?"

"You could stay in my dorm with me," said Zima. "We would have to get married for it to be legal, but marriages here on Thanatar are swift. Of course, you would have to retain your slave status. I wouldn't have it any other way!"

"I'd love to be your slave, Zima!" said Nolan. "I'll stay loyal to you forever!"

For the next several hours, Nolan swam through Zima's digestive system, until it was late at night and he got tired and passed out. Zima's digestive system did the work of passing him through her colon while he slept. Eventually, Nolan woke up and he saw light.

"That doesn't make sense!" Nolan thought to himself. He was enlarged to Zima's scale, and he was on her bed. It was morning, and there was a note with some doughnuts on the table.

The note said: Dearest Nolan: You passed through my colon in the early morning hours, and I extracted you and enlarged you. I have a class this morning, but I set some donuts on the table for your breakfast. When I return at noon, we can have some crazy sex! Love, Zima.

Nolan grabbed a doughnut and started eating, anticipating his meeting with Zima in the near future.

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