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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2204986
Latina from alternate reality shrinks non-Latino segment of humanity!
#975885 added February 19, 2020 at 1:30pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 13
Maria's starcruiser hung at a half mile elevation directly over the downtown area of Los Angeles. Inside, Maria was dressed in an outfit that could be described as a barbarian princess costume that could've been from a Robert E. Howard story or a Frank Frazetta painting. Nick was next to her in her bed, and he had been restored to normal size. Maria and Nick were in a post-coital embrace.

"You were fantastic!" said Maria. "That really relieved a lot of tension, with the way my schedule is, I needed that!"

"No problem!" said Nick. "When I was shrunk and you started laughing I thought you were going to hurt me."

"I felt I had uses for you," said Maria, getting up. She slipped into a robe. "Would you like some wine?"

"I try not to drink," said Nick. "I'm on high blood pressure medication and alcohol and caffeine react with my medication. You wouldn't know it now, but I was overweight not too long ago, and I'm still suffering the health effects of having been an overweight person."

"I can heal you!" said Maria. She walked over to a control console and manipulated the keyboard. "I'm scanning your body right now for any problems. Once all the problems are identified, I can have the computer heal you."

"What does it say I have?" Nick asked.

"It says you have a mental disorder, mildly high blood pressure, and lung damage from smoking."

"I smoked for twenty years," said Nick, "but I quit three years ago. I've been on psyche meds since I was seventeen. Your machine is very accurate."

"Would you like to be healed from all of your afflictions?" Maria asked.

"Definitely!" said Nick.

There was no wave of energy or a sound, just like that it was over, and Nick was healed.

"You're healed!" said Maria. "Your lungs are as good as a person who never smoked. Your heart is stronger, you don't have a mental disorder, and I added at least twenty years to your life, maybe more. How about some hot chocolate?"

"Sure," said Nick, and before he could even finish his sentence, Maria had two cups of steaming hot chocolate in her hands as she made her way back toward the bed.

"Here you go!" said Maria, handing Nick the hot chocolate.

"How did your food dispenser fix the hot chocolate so fast?" Nick asked.

"The computers on board my starcruiser can read my thoughts, and they can also project information directly into my mind. Your mind is constantly being read by my computers, and if you were to think of hurting me, my starcruiser would notify me by thought projection."

"That's pretty insane," said Nick as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. "But not as insane as that barbarian princess outfit you're wearing. You look hot!"

"It's not supposed to be a barbarian princess outfit," said Maria. "I'm supposed to be dressed as an evil goddess!"

"You could pass for either character." said Nick. "Hey! I just thought of something! My Uncle Roland is dying from a bad liver and bad kidneys! If you healed me, I need you to heal him! I can't believe I was so selfish!"

"I can go heal him now!" said Maria. "I just used a thought command to alert my starcruiser to take us to your Aunt and Uncle's house. The location of the house has been taken directly from your mind, we should be there in a few moments."

"Can I say hi to my Uncle when you heal him?" Nick asked as he stood up.

"No, if you step out of my starcruiser you will revert back to one centimeter tall!" Maria put her arms around Nick. "Your destiny was to be a toy, and you will be one until the day you die! Right now I'm just using you for my own selfish desires, but after I'm done with you I'm shrinking you back down to size and returning you to your owner!"

"Rica Luna?" Nick asked.

"Yes, Rica!" said Maria. "Unless you can satisfy me sexually enough that you change my mind. That's not improbable. There is a chance that I will restore you permanently to normal size, it just depends on how well you perform sexually for me. We've arrived at your Aunt and Uncle's house. I won't be gone for long."

Maria got dressed and put her normal outfit back on, not worrying that Nick could see her change, because after all, they were lovers. Maria took a device with her that looked like a magic wand. Nick stood inside the door hatch and watched her walk up to the front door. Nick wished he could see what was happening when his Aunt opened the door and Maria stepped inside.

"Roland Reyes?" Maria asked as she saw Nick's Uncle sitting in a recliner. "This device will heal you, so that you won't need a kidney or liver transplant."

Maria waved the wand-like device and Roland was healed. Roland stood up and flexed his muscles.

"I feel firme!" said Roland. "I feel like I did before I got sick! I feel like I could do fifty push-ups!"

"I noticed that you suffered from a lot of muscle loss," said Maria. "So I restored your muscles to the levels they were at when you were in your thirties. I also detected diabetes, and you have been healed of that, as well."

Roland got down on his hands and knees, then got into position to do push-ups. One after the other he knocked out a set of fifty push-ups.

"Wow, he can do push-ups again!" said Irene. "He could barely walk without a cane before you came along. Now he's like an athlete! Are you going to heal everyone who's sick?"

"Yes," said Maria. "That was my intention when I first arrived here, but I was too busy up until now. I'll pass along the healing technology to all of my Amazon troopers, and they will heal the sick. I must leave now, I hope my healing technology has helped out in this household."

Maria returned to the starcruiser and mentally ordered it to return to its place above downtown Los Angeles. Maria got back into her barbarian princess costume and returned to bed with Nick.

"Would you like to see me swallow some captives?" Maria asked.

"It seems so wrong to say yes," said Nick, "but I really want to watch you do that!"

"I'll get some captives right now," said Maria as she got up and went to a section of her starcruiser where she kept several boxes of captives handy. She opened one box and retrieved a handful of captives, then returned to the bed.

Maria laid back so her abdomen was facing up, and she tilted her legs so her left thigh was crossed over her right thigh. Maria sprinkled some captives on her stomach, and some on her thigh. They were the size of ants, and they quickly adapted to their new environment. They scurried about upon her thigh and her stomach.

"You pathetic pawns are going to serve me by surrendering to my belly this very day!" said Maria. Nick was stunned by how formal Maria's tone of voice changed when she addressed the captives.

"You will serve your goddess well!" said Maria as she licked her finger and stuck it to one of the captives on her abdomen. The captive stuck to her finger, and Maria raised the captive to her lips and licked him. He adhered to her tongue as Maria closed her lips around his tiny body and swallowed him, sending him to his doom. This cruel act brought a smile to Maria's face.

"Do a lot of people think like you where you came from?" Nick asked.

"Like what?" Maria asked.

"I mean, do a lot of people enjoy swallowing shrunken people? Is it a popular sport?"

"In the history of my world," said Maria, "someone brought a time vehicle to the past. Someone from that time then used the time vehicle's advanced technology to alter the chromosomes of the people of my world. From that day forward, men are submissive and want to be dominated by women, and women are controlling and have the desire to sexually dominate men."

"Why would someone do that?" Nick asked.

"The person who altered humanity was a comic book artist who specialized in giantess stories," said Maria. "He figured that if he altered people so that everyone had a giantess fetish, he could sell more comic books."

"So he did it for the money?" Nick asked.

"Partially," said Maria. "Remember, he had a giantess fetish himself, so he probably didn't want to be a freak, and wanted the world to conform to him, instead of vice versa."

"So now all the chicks on your planet get off on swallowing shrunken people?" Nick asked.

"Not now," said Maria. "The change didn't take effect until later in this century. But in my time, that is the case."

"Yeah, that's what I meant," said Nick. "I think I've re-charged, are you ready for another round of sex?"

"Yes, but first let me devour these captives first," said Maria.

Nick and Maria spent the entire night together, engaging in foreplay and having rough sex in which fantasies were acted out in which Maria was a conqueror of some type.

The next day, It was about ten in the morning and Sharky Suarez was in his living room talking on his cell phone, while his friends Chuy, Gordo, Gordo's girlfriend Flaca, Sharky's younger sister Soledad and Soledad's friend Summer's Moon were seated in the living room.

"I just got off the phone with Rio Hondo College," said Sharky, putting his cell phone away. "There's no school today, because the school is temporarily shutting down because too many faculty members weren't Latino when the Conquistadora shrunk the non-Mexicans. It's pretty hot today, even though it's November, so I say we go to the beach!"

"That's a good idea," said Soledad. "I'll get my bikini on!" Soledad got up and went to her bedroom to change.

"Chuy, Gordo," said Sharky, "help me load up my car with beach stuff. I'm gonna surf today!"

Within a half hour they were in Sharky's car, heading down the freeway. There were a lot of abandoned cars lining the sides of the freeway.

"Where did all those abandoned cars come from?" Flaca asked.

"People were driving those cars when they got shrunk!" said Sharky. "They ended up crashing their cars when they got shrunk down to ant-size!"

"There aren't enough Mexicans working for the city to haul the cars away quickly enough," said Gordo.

When they got to the beach, it was sunny and clear. Sharky put his wetsuit on while his friends set up the umbrella and the blankets and the ice chests. Soledad was in her bikini, and she had brought Nacho with her; he had been shrunk down to one centimeter tall by Maria the Conquistadora. Soledad left Nacho behind in his container with the remote control Maria had given her, and went to the water.

"Soledad looks chunky in that bikini!" said Chuy.

"Yeah, you ain't lying!" said Gordo.

Nacho could be heard from his container. "Soledad is beautiful! Don't talk about her like that!"

"Did you hear that?" Chuy asked. "Soledad must've used the remote control to make Nacho fall back in love with her!"

Gordo and Chuy knew all about the remote control the Conquistadora had given Soledad; she had demonstrated it to them the night before and earlier that morning. When Soledad returned from the water, Chuy told her Nacho was in love with her, and she got out the remote control and used it on him to reverse his feelings about Soledad.

"Do you love me, Nacho?" Soledad asked.

"Hell no!" said Nacho. "I can't stand you! I don't know what I ever saw in you!"

"I love this remote control device!" said Soledad, kissing the remote control.

Just then, Soledad's cell phone rang. Soledad answered it. "Hello? Oh, hi Flora. I'm at the beach with my brother and his friends. We're at Huntington Beach! Would you like to join us?" When Soledad hung up, she informed Summer's Moon that Flora and Rica were going to meet them at the beach.

About an hour later, Flora and Rica arrived, and they found Soledad and Summer's Moon. After talking and walking on the beach, Flora asked Summer's Moon the question she had been meaning to ask her, a very personal question.

"Are you really Mexican" Flora asked.

"I'm actually Native American," said Summer's Moon. "My ancestors got the surname Lopez because Spanish settlers gave them that name. Will you keep this a secret, Flora?"

"Actually, no." said Flora. "I need to use this information as leverage to get a full-size transponder card for my cousin Nick. I hope you understand." Flora got out her cell phone and called Narcisa Navarro.

"Hello?" said Flora. "This is Flora Flores, from Whittier. I know of someone who slipped from your grasp and got a transponder card even though they are not Latino. If you don't give my cousin Nick a full-size transponder card, I will inform her personally!"

"Go ahead!" said Narcisa, and she hung up.

Narcisa called Maria with a special device the Conquistadora had given to all of her Amazon troopers.

Back in the starcruiser, Maria took the call. Nick heard the entire conversation as Narcisa informed Maria that Nick's cousin Flora tried to blackmail her. When she was done talking to Narcisa, Maria returned to the bed.

"Your cousin tried to blackmail one of my Amazon troopers. I am returning you to Rica's hands immediately, and you shall remain one centimeter tall until the end of your days!" After she said this, Nick shrank down again. Maria piloted the starcruiser mentally and located Flora and Rica on the beach. The starcruiser landed not far from Flora, Rica, Soledad, and Summer's Moon and Maria got out and handed Nick to Rica.

"He's yours again," I'm done with him! I was going to restore him to normal size as a reward for sexually pleasing me, but now he will remain shrunk for your misdeeds!"

Maria got back in her starcruiser and took off before any of the girls could respond.

"I'm so sorry, Nick!" said Flora as Nick stood on the palm of Rica's left hand.

To Be Continued!

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