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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2213936
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#976928 added March 2, 2020 at 11:15pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4 Down The Rabbit Hole: Eat Me
Prompt: “Eat Me” - Create a new meal/dish - from your imagination – that should be appealing (or not) to the reader.

Word Count: 181

The smell is what hit the sand manipulator first upon awakening. Groaning and body protesting any movement the sand manipulator sits up. It's a terrible smell like meat and medicine gone bad combined with a strong acrid metal tang.

"Bleh, and I thought, last night's dose was bad! What. the. hell. is. that. God awful smell.?." The sand manipulator thinks trudging tiredly down the hall to the kitchen. Slinging open the door the sight that awaits is comical if not out right terrible.

There in the kitchen island is some alien looking googley eyed octopus sea creature type thing thing. Like a cross between an arachnid and octopus staring bad with far more tentacles than anything should have. Ever.

Surrounded by what look like pearls or some type of shell fish soup, turns out it's just terrible looking vegetables from a visiting dignitary sent by the witch in the north.

"Well, there's no way I'm eating that shit!" the sand manipulator thinks and beats a quick retreat out of this kitchen, food, not even a thought on the mind or stomach.

Word Count: 181

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A theme image for the poem Miss Calavera in the Dames of the Dead Series.
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