Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/978503-Now-we-see-the-need-for-universal-healthcare
Rated: ASR · Book · Entertainment · #2202646
Jesus said, "Obey or I will kill you."( Luke 19:27)
#978503 added March 19, 2020 at 4:34am
Restrictions: None
Now we see the need for universal healthcare....

"Have you read my manifesto?" Zack is shouting through Muzzy's storm window.
Muzzy slowly shakes his head no. "Go to my Face-page!" Zack shouts.
"You don't have to shout," Muzzy replies and swallows some quine.
"The Coronavirus is a conspiracy to turn America into a police state!" Zack shouts.
Muzzy smiles and nods, "We've always been in a police state."

"Wha-the-F?!" Zack waves his fists, "That's right!"

"First they will round up the homeless and lock them up in hospital prisons.
Then, they'll come for the poor and disabled.
And then no one will be free to move without state permission."
Muzzy's answer made Zack's jaw drop and eyes widen.

"We will fight them! It's 1776!" Zack was hopping mad.

"Nope." Muzzy smiled, "You will be too sick to fight."
Muzzy waved at Zack and pulled his blinds.

Reflections~"If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big lie." Adolf Hitler.

Or was it his political correct minister Ghuring? They killed millions of civilians.


Bob County
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