Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/984641-What-if-God-doesnt-know-what-to-do
Rated: ASR · Book · Entertainment · #2202646
Jesus said, "Obey or I will kill you."( Luke 19:27)
#984641 added May 30, 2020 at 8:50pm
Restrictions: None
What if God doesn't know what to do?

Mount Olympus erupts with volcanic fury.
"I hate politics!" Zeus shouts.
"Oh, calm down. They're just trying to do the right thing."
Hera, Zeus' wife kisses her husband.
"Why can't they have a king or emperor?" Zeus is puzzled,
"Instead there is mob rule and riots."

"The first should come last and the last first.
All are equal before my father." Jesus steps across a river of lava.
"That's ridiculous! There are men of gold and bronze and lead.
I forged mankind to do my bidding!" Zeus throws a thunderbolt.
"I am the way. No one can find nirvana without peace." Buddha floats over the lava.
"Listen to me. No one can go to my father in Heaven but through me!" Jesus interjects.

"Every living creature is part of my great web in the sky."
I am Arakno God of the spiders!" a giant spider descends from the sky.
"Eeek!" Mary Magdaline runs to her husband Jesus.
Jesus kisses Mary, "It's a minor Aztec God."
"Nature is out of balance. We must respect the earth and water and wind."
Winkin queen of the fairies waves her flute.

"I'm voting for Jessy Ventura!" Thor raises his hammer and lightning strikes it.

Reflections~What is right is right! Right?

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