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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/985542-Will-I-Ever-Travel-Again
Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
#985542 added October 17, 2020 at 4:12pm
Restrictions: None
Will I Ever Travel Again???
Locale: Bloomington, Illinois

         Well, here I sit at home once again.  I can't believe it's been three weeks since I posted an entry, but a lot has gone on at work.  We are seeing some people leaving/retiring at work, and changes made to our delivery process, and the use of contractor end-user instructors.  What that means is, our work load is more than doubling, but out instructional staff isn't.  Gone are the days of us teaching a maximum of three weeks, with that fourth week being a mandatory week off.  I have to say that I've never been a fan of that policy, mainly because of this thought process.  I'm an instructor, I'm supposed to teach classes.  There are those in the public school sector who do far more than I'm required to,  and only get time off during the summer.  Except, their time off is spent preparing for the next year, getting things in order, and maybe attending mandatory classes to further their education.  So to me, I should be ready, willing, and able, to teach a class every week.  Just MHO.

         Well, I get my wish, and as they say, be careful what you wish for.  I had the entire month of March free, with no delivery.  Add half of April to that.  Since then, I've been pretty busy, (and I was pretty busy those weeks off too) teaching classes.  I'll give you an idea of how things are changing.  In the first two quarters of 2020, I delivered 59 days of training.  That's right at the desired number of days per quarter that management wants us to deliver.  Now as I say this next part, understand that my schedule can change on a moments notice, with classes at least 2 weeks to a month away being added or dropped.  Right now though, I am scheduled for 56 days of delivery in the 3rd quarter alone!  That's almost as much as I delivered from January through June!  And no, while I know classes may come and go on my schedule, I don't think I will see less days scheduled.  So if you wonder if I'm busy while still remaining home all this time, "Yes, I am."  And I'm thrilled, while also asking myself, "What have I gotten myself into?"

         I am scheduled to go to Washington DC the week after July 4th, and again two weeks later.  Those deliveries may become 'virtual' online deliveries, teaching the classes from home.  I'm also scheduled to be in Los Angeles between those Washington DC classes, that too may become virtual.  When I say virtual, what we do with the class, is teach all the theory we can, while also doing demonstrations on the equipment.  At a later date, the students will have to come to either Schaumburg, or our Fort Lauderdale facility to perform the hands-on activities.  The advantage for them though, is they can complete 2 or 3 classes (perhaps) in one week!  The drawback is, how much time will have passed between their 'theory' portion, and actual hands-on portion.  It remains to be seen.  All of this is still a work in progress, for us, as well as our customers.  We'll see what the future holds.

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend at home here before teaching class from the next two weeks.  If I do end up getting to travel again, you'll be the first to know!  Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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