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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/985796
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#985796 added June 16, 2020 at 5:24pm
Restrictions: None
Great Stories
Day 2 of the Space Adventure. I am with Captain Kirk and Luke Skywalker. We are all young again! I wish.

Prompt: "Great stories are written by great people and we each hold the power within us of writing a story."

Great stories are written by great people. Titanic, Twilight, Star Wars, Fairy Tales, stories about unicorns, the Bible {some are great and wonderful!}, The Wizard Of Oz and we all know stories that are strange and bizarre that aren't written in books. John Dillinger and Al Capone hung out where I live before my time. Frank L. Baum wrote the Wizard Of Oz and he hung out with his son at Bass Lake by me before my time. We have ghost stories in a town 45 minutes away from me.

Nancy Drew has some great stories. Native Americans have their own stories. Here at WDC, there are great authors I enjoy reading.

Jane Austen wrote beautiful romances and there is Downton Abbey. Some people enjoy Ernest Hemingway and I like some of Stephen King stories. We don't all like the same genres. I love romance, unicorns, Teddy Bears and I write stories about them and Princesses and Jane Austen types and I do poems once in awhile.

Great stories. They can be books, movies, stories relatives and friends tell and sometimes, truth is stranger then fiction. Like our present world. They aren't great but they are true and a part of history. I think everyone has a story to tell. Rather, they decide to share it or not is up to them. I like sharing my stories.

Our favorite characters from Frozen 2.

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